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In Europe, clarified data on increased radiation “from Russia”

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in the Netherlands has denied media reports that Europe has increased radiation levels due to Russia.

“At this stage, you cannot determine the source country,” the RIVM website says.

Earlier, the institute reported that radionuclides could get into Northern Europe from Russia.

In June, an increase in radionuclide levels was detected in Norway, Finland and Sweden. There was no damage to human health and the environment.

The Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBT), Lassina Zerbo, said on Twitter that the source of the infection could have been in northwestern Russia – in the Leningrad Region, Karelia or the Arkhangelsk Region.

Meanwhile, the Rosatom press service said that there were no incidents at the Leningrad and Kola NPPs.

Stories about how you tried to get help from the Russian state in the context of a coronacrisis and what came of it, send to the address COVID-19@rosbalt.ru

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