Home » today » World » In Estonia, gays and the secret services derailed the metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church – 2024-02-15 05:56:18

In Estonia, gays and the secret services derailed the metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church – 2024-02-15 05:56:18

/ world today news/ On June 9, 2023, Tallinn banned Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia from entering the country. Estonian Foreign Minister Magnus Tsakhkna emphasized in a comment: “He is one of the biggest bearers and supporters of the ideology of modern Russia, an accomplice in serious human rights violations in the context of the Ukrainian conflict.”

A week later, on June 20, members of the Riigikogu (parliament) passed the law on the possibility of marriage between two adults, regardless of their gender, and the applicable acts of the cohabitation law.

Marriage equality gives same-sex couples the right to co-adopt. The law contains the principle that a child cannot have more than two parents. The second is still the father.

55 people’s representatives out of 101 people’s representatives welcomed the voting results with applause. The social democrat Eduard Odinets did not hold back:

“This is a truly historic moment when we will finally get rid of the Soviet space of values ​​and culture, when we can say that the people of Estonia have become even freer than they were yesterday.”

The Act and applicable regulations entered into force on 1 January 2024.

On January 18, it became known that the republic did not extend the residence permit of the head of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan of Tallinn and All Estonia Yevgeny (real name Valery Reshetnikov), because it was claimed that “he poses a threat to the security of the state.”

The current residence permit expires on February 6. By this date, the citizen of the Russian Federation Reshetnikov is obliged to leave Estonia.

The “Police and Border Guard” Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs explained:

“The decision is related to the public appearances of the cleric. He clearly supports Moscow’s aggressive actions and has not changed his line of behavior, although officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have repeatedly held conversations and explained that it is necessary to stop justifying Russia and the Kremlin in public activities.”

Three events, according to the author of the article, are links in a chain. Let’s try to convince readers of this.

Today, official Tallinn does not honor the name of the bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church. But this is what they said before about the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia.

According to the State Security Police (SPS), “he is consistently involved in justifying and supporting the bloody aggression of the Kremlin regime (below, the vocabulary and spelling are in accordance with the source – ed. note).

“This helps to spread and promote the internal security policy of the Russian Federation. We must not forget that after the start of a full-scale war against Ukraine, the members of the Riigikogu recognized Russia as a terrorist state.”

“Patriarch Kirill blessed the special military operation of the Russian army, thereby justifying the crimes against the civilian population. According to him, killing is normal. Of course, the question arose in our society: does the head of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Yevgeny, really share this point of view?”

Intelligence officers had to work hard to get accurate answers,” Interior Minister Lauri Lyaenemets confided to the pro-government press.

It is not difficult to guess the contents of the reports that fell on his desk. However, neither in the KaPo report nor in the comments of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are there any examples of how Bishop Eugene justifies and supports aggression.

However, no one in Tallinn needed this. The main conclusion was drawn: Kirill approves the SVO of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Yevgeny cannot but support him.

From the mouth of the director of the GB it was clearly said: “The Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, with all its desire, cannot be outside of politics, since its leader, Patriarch Kirill, does not remain outside of it at all.”

Thus, in the personal DNP (file of unreliable persons) the first question mark appeared next to Reshetnikov’s surname.

The second was boldly written by State Security officials in red ink after the metropolitan published an address to the people’s representatives. He was adamantly against the legalization of same-sex marriage.

“We must not accept the sin of Sodom as the norm,” the bishop said.

“The Church has always sought to ensure that its members have the right direction for their lives. She tried to protect the herd, and thereby the entire society, from the substitution of spiritual and moral values, since we are all interconnected. Both the sin and the virtue of each person have an effect on those around them.

Legalizing same-sex marriage could increase the tendency among young people to consciously forego having children in exchange for a career or a life free from family obligations.

The Metropolitan wrote that the Christian moral principles recorded in the Bible were once the basis of European legislation and in many ways this allowed the countries of the continent to develop consistently and have relative stability.

“Both from the biblical examples and from the example of the once great Roman Empire, we see how the neglect of the moral principles of the existence of human society and the normalization of those phenomena that are inherently wrong and contrary to God’s plan for man, ultimately led to the degradation of society and the fall of states. The scriptures also repeatedly warn us of this.”

In his address to the bearers of the seals of the legislative power, the metropolitan also referred to the words of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, who complained:

“Our forefathers erred, but they called sin sin, and today’s liberals, when they err, try to justify sin as if it were a legal matter.”

“Man’s birth is natural because of the union of man and woman. This union, blessed by God and accepted by society, is marriage.”

It is this accent in Estonia that the Orthodox priests of the Moscow Patriarchate emphasize when they offer prayers.

According to Estonians, such sentiments are sabotage against the state and an open denial of the values ​​admired in the civilized world. Including 55 people’s representatives, including the member of the Riigikogu, the social democrat Eduard Odinets, quoted at the beginning of the article.

Bishop Yevgeny was struck by the height of power and the LGBT+ community*, which is banned in Russia. It became known that the ruler supports the declared pro-Kremlin political party CEP, also an opponent of same-sex marriage.

The intelligence services noted: using his influence, he embarrassed his flock. It is possible that he set it up as “pro-Russian” and “anti-Estonian”.

On social networks, sexually developed Europeans demanded the expulsion of Reshetnikov, who was spreading certain “Russian narratives”.

And it didn’t take long for it to happen. The refusal of the authorities to issue a residence permit for the next two years was planned and did not come as a big surprise.

Do not be fooled by the words of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Lauri Lyaanemetz, that we are talking “only about evaluating the results of the actions of a specific person.

“And the decision made regarding him in no way affects the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and the faithful.”

The minister is lying. Given that Metropolitan Yevgeny was accused of supporting aggression, it is logical to assume that the new person appointed as the head of the local metropolis may immediately be asked to publicly condemn both the Russian special operation against Ukraine and Patriarch Kirill . If one is not willing to do this, then history can repeat itself.

According to the minister, it is not just about conviction or unconvincing, we quote:

“The question is about security in a broader context. We must not forget that the patriarch is an extension of the hand of the Kremlin, he strengthens the position of Vladimir Putin.

Tallinn very much wants one of the local clergy to be elected as the new metropolitan. There is a precedent. In 1992-2018, the head of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate was just a local priest – Metropolitan Corniliy, in the world Vyacheslav Vasilievich Jacobs.

And then, you see, you can start subversive work to remove the community from the bosom of Moscow.

In addition, the Patriarch of Constantinople established his own jurisdiction in Estonia in the late 1990s, despite the existence of the Estonian Orthodox Church here as part of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Then, in the name of ecclesiastical peace, the Russian Orthodox Church made a certain compromise, and to this day, in fact, Orthodoxy in Estonia remains divided due to the fault of Constantinople.

The Russian Federation called the hostile act of the Estonian government “shocking” and said that “the decision taken is contrary not only to all principles of international law, but also to universal Christian values.”

According to the parishioners of the Baltic Orthodox Churches of the Moscow Patriarchate, what was said was so vague that nothing was said. “Actually, this is capitulation,” says historian Valeri Ivanov.

The state security of the three Baltic countries considers supporters of the Moscow Patriarchate to be “ideological special forces of Moscow”.

In our case, the desire to separate the Estonian Metropolis from the Russian Church was not caused by any problem and certainly not by any real necessity.

It testifies, on the one hand, to the expansionist spirit of local state and church policies, and on the other hand, to the constant anti-Russian agenda of the modern West.

Under his command, which is no secret at all, are the current government leadership and political leaders living in Tallinn. Metropolitan Yevgeny always spoke about this. This cannot go down well with the Estonians.

Translation: SM

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