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In Draguignan, the UNSS bridges the gap between sport and inclusion

“On start again when?” Little Kylian finally asks the question that most of his classmates have been whispering about for a good half hour. “Next year”, replies Laurent Labeaune, departmental director of the National Union of School Sports (UNSS). Medal around the neck, the little heads well filled … and full of sweat, rejoice.

On Tuesday, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., students in inclusive classes from Frédéric-Mistral and Marcel-Pagnol primary schools, as well as from Emile-Thomas middle school, were able to discover six sports at the Henri-Giran sports complex. A joint initiative of the UNSS Var and the departmental team of Physical Education and Sports (EPS) of the 1is degree.

“Each student with a disability chose his able-bodied teammate and they did athletics, dance, petanque, blind football, blowgun and orienteering.”says Laurent Labeaune.

“Everyone learns from the other”

The mission of this day? “Allow students with disabilities to do sports, to understand that sport is accessible to everyone. But also for the able-bodied to learn mutual aid, cohesion and respect. Everyone learns from the other !”

This also makes it possible to mix groups and live together outside the classroom.

“This is the fifth year that we have organized this event and we have never been disappointed. Sport is a good time for exchange. They forget the differences, the prejudices. They are a team!”

Each activity was led by students in third year of Science and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities (STAPS), specializing in education and motor skills at the La Garde university campus. “Everyone loved it and learned a lot. It’s very touching! You can see it on the children’s faces, they are delighted. That’s all we ask for”, says Christelle Beck, coordinator of the localized unit for inclusive education (Ulis) at the Frédéric-Mistral school. See you next year, same faces, but new activities!

1. Blind football is a disabled sport practiced by visually impaired athletes. It is inspired by football and follows the rules of Fifa with adjustments to take into account the handicap of the players.

Julia, 9 years old

I really enjoyed the activities even if in the end it was tiring. We also had a picnic. We want to do a day like this again because it was fun. AB

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