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In Docent, I prepared revenge on Filip Renč, says Jiří Strach about his new series

Czech Television presented the new Docent miniseries as part of its Czech Television House at the 55th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

“She’s actually my first detective story from this world. Because Josef Mareš and Jan Malinda wrote it and Josef Mareš is, as is well known, the former head of the Prague 1st Department, the Prague Mordparty, so it’s just really dense and it’s made of flesh and blood, “described the director Jiří Strach.

Director Jiří Strach prepared a small private revenge for his colleague Filip Renč in the series Docent.

Photo: Czech Television

Strach also told the news that he had prepared revenge for his colleague Filip Renč in a criminal miniseries. “Filip Renč dialed me in his series The Head of Medusa by telling Jirka Dvořák and Jitka Čvančarová, when they go to investigate murder as if they were shooting my film, there will be a dialogue: ‘Who directs it?’ ,Fear.’ “Is fear still spinning?” He said exaggeratedly.

“I said to myself, ‘All right, Filip Renča, it’s like a camp for me, and revenge will be sweet.’ So I came up with a vendetta in Docent. Filip Renč plays there, I won’t reveal what yet, but Filip Renč, I’m afraid when you see it on Czech Television, “Strach sent a message to his director’s colleague.

Filming complicated the pregnancy

Actress Tereza Ramba will also play one of the main roles of investigators. She admitted that filming complicated her unexpected pregnancy. “I have known Jirka Strach for fifteen years and I trust him 100% and I know what kind of person he is. I think he also takes it more as a miracle, so I was definitely not afraid to tell him, “she mentioned.

Tereza Ramba also edited one of the main roles in the Docent series.

Photo: Czech Television

This was also confirmed directly by the director. “There are directors who would shout, yell and tear their hair out of their heads, but I approached it in the divine order. It is a miracle of creation, a gift of God, and before that it is necessary to kneel with humility. So we humbly ‘rethought’ and filmed it differently and at a different time, “said Fear, adding that the result turned out well and the viewer does not even know in which scenes the actress is already wearing her belly.

The only one who was surprised was Ivan Trojan, shortly before Terezka announced her pregnancy, he had a haircut and shaved, so he had to grow back again at the director’s command.

Presentation of the Docent miniseries in the Czech Television House. From left Jiří Strach, Tereza Ramba and screenwriter Josef Mareš.

Photo: News

Ramba herself then added that after the filming she was slowly preparing for maternity leave: “I now have a son who is almost two years old at home and I still want to enjoy him for the few months that he has been an only child. I say I’ve been going to kindergarten for the last two and a half years, and even before that I said about five years ago that I would take a break. We’ll see if it works, but we’ve already agreed with my husband. “

One of the screenwriters of the criminal miniseries is the former head of the Prague homicide department, Josef Mareš, who also participated in the screenplay for the criminal case Cases of the 1st Department. Unlike her, Docent solves a fictitious murder.

“I enjoy inventing cases because I don’t have to keep exactly the way it was then, but I can figure it out as I would like it to be back then,” Mareš explained writing the script, adding that the title role of associate professor was invented directly for the actors. Ivana Trojana.

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