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In Dnipro, a doctor was exposed for massively issuing fake COVID certificates

Photo: SBU

In Dnipro, SBU exposed a doctor who issued fake vaccination certificates against coronavirus

The SBU exposed a doctor who made up to 30 fake coronavirus vaccination certificates every day.

In Dnipro, the SBU blocked a scheme for falsifying COVID-19 vaccination certificates. The press center informs about it. SBU.

“Law enforcers managed to establish a doctor who” produced “up to 30 fake certificates a day.

According to the investigation, the scheme was organized by the doctor of the vaccination point of one of the city’s outpatient clinics.

He entered the personal data of unvaccinated persons into the eHealth electronic health system, and wrote off the vaccine.

Law enforcers exposed the attacker during one of the “group” deals when transferring part of the money to him for 9 fake vaccination certificates.

During searches at the doctor’s place of work and residence, seals and stamps of various medical institutions, forms of strict accountability, 50 thousand hryvnias were found and seized.

Investigative actions are ongoing to identify all persons involved in the scheme.

After detecting citizens whose personal data were illegally entered into the eHealth system, the SBU will initiate the cancellation of their vaccination certificates and bringing them to justice.

Earlier it was reported that in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, law enforcement exposed the fraudulent scheme with data on vaccination against coronavirus. The doctor entered false information into the eHealth electronic system.

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