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in Dijon, the resentment of motorists

By Eléa Pommiers

Posted yesterday at 6:08 p.m., updated at 8:25 a.m.

It is after 6 pm, an uninterrupted line of cars saturates the rue de Cracovie, north of Dijon. The horns reflect the impatience of motorists who, for many, are ending their day. Some, however, will lengthen their journey time by entering the long line of access to the Leclerc service station which borders the road, where several dozen vehicles are already waiting. The fuel prices, according to the applications which propose to compare them, are here among the lowest in the Dijon metropolis: 1.516 euros per liter of diesel, 1.571, for unleaded 95.

But that in no way erases Aurore’s worried air when her turn arrives. The gun in hand, she does not take her eyes off the screen which counts the liters of diesel and scrolls the euros. A grimace emerges on his face as the latter distance themselves from the former. In general, she explains, it does not fill a full tank, because “Psychologically, it goes better”. For this time, she will pay 84.27 euros for 55.59 liters, which should hold her a week. ” It stings ! And it’s getting worse and worse ”, comments soberly this accounting secretary of 35 years while going back in her Renault Scenic.

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The young woman has no other option: she lives 35 kilometers from Dijon, where she works, and goes back and forth every day. At the end of the month, several hundred euros weigh on his 2,000 euros salary. “Too much to get help, too little to have a decent quality of life”, she sums up with a weary smile.

For Aurore, 32, accounting secretary, at the end of the month, several hundred euros weigh on her 2,000 euros in salary.  In the Leclerc service station, in Dijon, on October 19.

Yassir, 40, has no choice either. Not that he lives far away: he lives in Dijon and works on his own in the delivery of cleaning products in the metropolis. But his car is his work tool, and it now costs him two full tanks of gas per week, at « 70-80 euros » by going to the pump. “With prices going up all the time, things get hot at the end of the month! “, he regrets, behind the wheel of his car. He lives twenty-five minutes away but came to this gas station on purpose, for his rates. “If I go to the station next to my house, it costs me almost 1.80 euros per liter! I calculated that it was better to drive up here to refuel anyway than to do it there ”, he explains.

The week of October 5, the average price of diesel exceeded its record and continues, like that of gasoline, to increase. In two months, it rose by more than 13 cents, or 6 to 7 euros for a full like that of Aurore. In Côte-d’Or, according to Telegram, average diesel prices are among the highest in France. This is also where they have increased the most in two years.

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