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In Crimea, responded to the accusations of Ukraine about the invasion of troops – Rambler / News

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Kiev’s statements about the invasion of Russian troops to restore the supply of Dnieper water to the Crimea are a provocation. So said the permanent representative of the Republic of Crimea under the President of Russia, Deputy Prime Minister of the Crimean government Georgy Muradov. His quotes RIA Novosti.-

“The authors of these provocative statements do not even realize that it would be cheaper for Russia to pay our neighbors with the same coin, blocking, as some experts suggested, the flow of the Dnieper tributaries on the border with Ukraine. But Russia is generous. She does not go to any kind of blockade, as Kiev does, ”Muradov said.

According to him, one gets the impression that in Kiev they dream of an attack by Russia. For this, various occasions have been proposed more than once. The current is fresh water in the Crimea. The authors of this message claim that Russia wants to forcefully unblock the North Crimean Canal, through which water previously entered the peninsula.

According to Muradov, Kiev “masters of painting” are constantly drawing surrealistic paintings of the capture of Russian Ukrainian territories by Russia in the hope of earning “regular carvings from their Western curators.”

The representative of the Crimea noted that now collecting water from rivers is increasing on the Russian peninsula, new artesian wells are being opened, bridges and power plants are being built. This is the answer to the transport and energy blockade of Kiev. In addition, in the Crimea hospitably treat millions of Ukrainian tourists.

The other day, the representative of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Vadim Skibitsky announced the possibility of an “invasion” of the Russian military.-

Earlier, he also repeatedly announced the impending offensive of Russia on Ukraine.

Formerly Rambler reportedthat the Verkhovna Rada is developing a bill on criminal liability for supporting the “occupation” of Crimea.-

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