Home » today » News » in countries where immigrants come from, racism is often a much bigger problem – The Daily Standard

in countries where immigrants come from, racism is often a much bigger problem – The Daily Standard

In a column for Algemeen Dagblad – of all places – Tahmina Akefi writes that the nagging about how racist the Netherlands is supposed to be should be over. People in many other countries are often much more racist. You see that, she writes, also reflected in the way in which many immigrants treat other immigrants.

She responds to a broadcast by Beau in which an item was about Mischa Blok, Radio 1 presenter. She said on Twitter that she is completely ready that she is regularly called “kutchinees.” But, she added, “this is mainly done by people with a migration background. Incomprehensible, but unfortunately the reality. ”

New, Tahmina thinks that not at all “incomprehensible.” “The explanation is very simple: in some countries where migrants come from, racism and discrimination is a much bigger ‘problem’ than in the Netherlands,” she explains. “I use quotation marks because in those countries it is not taken as a problem, but taken for granted to portray people who are different as bad, unreliable, unclean, etc. and to invent all sorts of swear words for it. Racism and discrimination are not a problem for the white Dutch. ”

An example. Tahmina herself is from Afghanistan. “Where I come from, the prejudices about everyone else – especially the black people – are persistent. In general, people are not surprised if you use the word ‘dirty’ in the mouth when it comes to black people. ” When she arrived in the Netherlands and saw dark people, she avoided them. It took time and contact with people like that to leave that racism behind.

Well, that may also be said. Because yes, she is absolutely right. In China, for example, there is also a lot of racism – especially towards black people, but also towards all people who are not (Han) Chinese. And go to Saudi Arabia. It is no better there with racism and racial equality.

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