Home » today » News » in Côte-d’Or, François Sauvadet opposes a plenary session of the Region

in Côte-d’Or, François Sauvadet opposes a plenary session of the Region

François Sauvadet expresses “his most total disagreement” with the convocation by Marie-Guite Dufay of a plenary session of the Regional Council this Friday, April 24 in the presence of 34 elected officials, directors and agents of the region’s services and of the press.

In a letter, the president of the Côte-d’Or explains that “Even if the meeting in restricted physical presence is permitted by the order of April 1, 2020, it is not not mandatory and she is even incomprehensible while we ask each of our compatriots, who can continue their activity from a distance, to remain confined. “

Article 6 of this same order of April 1 specifies that “the president of the local authority may decide that the meeting of the deliberative body is held by videoconference or, failing that, audioconference “.

According to François Sauvadet, this videoconference session was refused by President Marie-Guite Dufay with the support of the National Rally. “This decision shocks me” wrote the president of the departmental council. He adds that “The region must respect the rules of confinement as much as possible, especially since, at the same time, municipal councils of rural communities with 9, 11 or 15 elected officials are prohibited from meeting for their installation.”

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