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In corn cultivation technology ensures yield

Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- The corn crop is the one that best responds to the technology provided, and although the main yield potential of a crop is established by nature since it is what provides the specific conditions of a region: temperature, precipitation and type of soil, we must take advantage of the knowledge and technologies available to maximize production per unit of surface and do it in a sustainable way.

To plan the corn crop It is essential to know and characterize the production environment, and then adjust the available knowledge and technology in order to maximize productive potential and manage the associated risk.

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Without a doubt, the success of the crop depends to a large extent on the quality of the resources used in the field: from the seed that is chosen to the fertilizers or crop protection products that are applied.

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For this reason it is important that the seed is resistant to guarantee a correct and healthy growth of the plant, even in risky situations such as climate change or lack of water.

Other practices in growing corn that may result in yield increases:

Good soil structure is imperative for strong root development and good overall development.

Taking care of the density in the plantations and making rotations with other crops helps in increasing the yield of the corn to reduce incidents of diseases, pests and weeds.
Fertilization, which must meet the four requirements (4RS):

  • Source: Type of fertilizer (solid, liquid, mixtures, protectants, compost)
  • Dose: Analyze the soil to calculate and balance the required demand.
  • Timing: prior to sowing to prepare the soil and during sowing in split applications.
  • Form: according to the distribution of the roots, it can be: broadcast, incorporated, injected, foliar, etc.

Weed control is important to ensure a good and competitive start for the plants of corn, and good control of pests and diseases will reduce damage to roots and the productive area of ​​the leaves.

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In Mexico, corn It is part of our daily diet, it is the crop with the greatest presence in the country, it constitutes an input for livestock and for obtaining numerous industrial products, therefore, we must strive to visualize the positive impact of technology and knowledge well applied to improve the sustainability of the system.


“Alito” came to Sinaloa to “bite the crest”
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