Home » today » Health » In Châteaulin, Hervé Laurent, 65, has been president of blood donors for 20 years – Châteaulin

In Châteaulin, Hervé Laurent, 65, has been president of blood donors for 20 years – Châteaulin

Engaged in blood donation since 1978, Hervé Laurent, 65, has been the president of the association of voluntary blood donors in Châteaulin and its region for 20 years. “A football fan, I knew Alain Tymen, referee and former secretary of this association. At the time, I was a blood donor in Pont-de-Buis, where I still live. Alain alerted me to the situation of the association and invited me to a meeting during which his fate was to be sealed. And since then, I have devoted part of my time to the organization of about ten blood donation operations each year and to a lottery which attracts more than 1,200 people each time; even if the health situation has put it to sleep, ”says Hervé Laurent.

At the service of others

When the Châteaulin association manages to meet the objectives set by the French Blood Establishment, Hervé Laurent explains that he derives “great satisfaction” from them. “I hope a lot for the next operation on September 22 and 23, because the blood reserves are at their lowest with the end of the holidays and the resumption of hospital activities. And then, as in any association, this activity allows great encounters … “

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