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In Chartres, the green spaces were taken by storm: “I forgot how good it is to be in nature”

A human beehive returned to the fresh air on Saturday, May 16, in the bucolic areas of the agglomeration. The banks of the Eure park in Chartres were visited by dozens of families in the morning. Like Marine Potier who came with her three children. Only one regret for the mother: “We came on Monday, but we could not take advantage of it for long because it was raining. And, today, I note that the town hall has issued an order, until June 1, prohibiting access to the playgrounds. “She followed the health guidelines while other parents let their children slip under the strips to access the structures.

In this park where you can discover animals, the sunny benches are, logically, all occupied. Further on, two teenagers discreetly climb over a fence to approach the big black pig. For the time being, the minigolf and the canoe and pedal boat rental site remain closed.

Sportsmen, walkers, readers, fishermen…

The two paths connecting the park to Trois-Ponts, near the Intermarché, saw the massive return yesterday afternoon of Nordic walking, mountain biking and even running. Sportsmen in great majority without mask. Paul Meunier, 42-year-old Chartrain, who was taking a break from jogging, explains: “It is impossible to play sports with a mask. When I wear it all day at work, in the evening, my head hurts. He savored this breath of air: “I had stopped running a bit. But the confinement made me want to devote myself to it again. I forgot how good it is to be in nature, despite the breathlessness. “

First weekend of deconfinement: the call of nature rang in Eure-et-Loir

These sports enthusiasts have encountered many walkers, family or with their pet. The strollers were, of course, out. Everyone seems to be there to profit. While some are chatting, others remain focused on their readings or enjoy taking a break in the open air. The fishermen, too, are back.

At the Trois-Ponts city park, which is however forbidden to access, there is a crowd. Young people play soccer. Next to it, the bodybuilding workshops, which are also prohibited, are, despite everything, taken by storm by adults who train for a long time at the various bars.

“We all discuss together. Finally ! “

Direction the Lisant pond, a few kilometers further. There, the petanque grounds are crowded. The distances between people not always respected. Everyone is immersed in their part. Around noon, around fifteen families came for a picnic. Despite almost two months without seeing anyone, the ducks, not shy, approached. The opportunity to beg for a few crumbs.

Pending their possible reopening on June 2, Chartres restaurateurs offer take-out meals

Joëlle, from Lucé, enjoys this moment of relaxation with her two sons: “They are teenagers. When they were confined, they did not leave their room. They played their consoles for hours. It’s hard to take them outside. But when they are outside, finally, they are happy. And we all talk together. Finally ! “

They were very numerous yesterday to walk, on foot or by bike, while going around the pond. For the Palanche family, the walk by the water is a ritual, as the father explains: “Every weekend, Saturday or Sunday, we walk very long with my wife and our children. We always do that after lunch. We were very frustrated during the confinement. “

This Sunday, the bright sun over Chartres and the forecast 20 ° C should not reverse this return to green.

Thierry Delaunay
[email protected]

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