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“In charge”: Édouard Philippe imagined in 2018 “a virus that we did not see coming”

POLITICS – This is the striking sequence of the third part of the documentary series Edouard, my friend on the right, broadcast this Sunday, July 4 on France 5.

In this episode titled At the controls, a sequence filmed in 2018, long before the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, today gives it a disturbing echo.

While being questioned by the director of the documentary, Laurent Cibien, on his political responsibility on environmental issues, here is his response:

“On global warming, it can happen to say maybe that in 5, 10, 20 or 30 years, I will be criticized for not having acted enough at that time, because it was the moment to to take decisions. Every day I think about it, but not only on this subject. I think maybe in five years, I will be criticized for not having increased efforts in medical research, because there will be a virus that we did not see coming. ”

This sequence, to watch in the tweet below, challenged several Internet users, while the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been spreading in the world since the beginning of the year 2020.

After episode 1, Le Havre, marked by the start of the career of the mayor of Le Havre who slept on the carpet in his office and listened to rock music between two phone calls to his daughter or to people to be removed from his municipal list; after episode 2, Primary, devoted to the primary of the right when Édouard Philippe was the spokesperson for Alain Juppé; episode 3, At the controls, broadcast this Sunday evening, retraced the three years of the former Prime Minister in Matignon.

While some viewers find this plunge into the heart of power interesting, others criticize it and see it as a tool for political propaganda.

Also to see sure The HuffPost: When Philippe tells how he learns of Hulot’s resignation

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