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In camera rather than postponement in C1

In eight days, the return phase of the knockout stages of the Champions League will begin. Faced with the coronavirus, UEFA does not postpone the slightest match but does not exclude closed doors or relocations.

Currently sitting in an Executive Committee in Amsterdam, UEFA is seriously working on the conditions for the organization of the knockout stages of the Champions League. With a first salvo scheduled for Tuesday March 10 and Wednesday March 11. Aleksander Ceferin, President of the European Football Confederation guarantees ” follow the development of the coronavirus epidemic carefully “Assuring the rest that No game cancellations are planned at this time.

UEFA plans to rely on government recommendations from each jurisdiction, regardless of what happens. We will follow the decisions that will be made in the different countries, underlines the Slovenian lawyer, well aware of the fragility of the moment faced with such a situation. In Italy – the European country most affected so far – restrictive measures that have already affected Serie A have been taken and will remain in force until March 8. At least. So the C1 is not immune to a upheaval.

At this time, however, UEFA does not imagine the postponement as a fallback. Because the future is as uncertain in the long term as in the short term and because the football calendar is overloaded. Particularly in this year of Euro 2020. In camera, even relocation, could be decreed, however. Which would not displease Jean-Michel Aulas’ OL, who has already announced that he is open to a match ” on neutral ground For his club’s reunion with Juventus on March 17. As for the PSG, which is to receive Dortmund on March 11, Marquinhos to choose would prefer to postpone in camera, necessarily penalizing for a Parisian club which has to turn the tide. But the Brazilian defender like his teammates will have no choice anyway …

Also read:
The knockout stages of the Champions League
All the news from the Champions League

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