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In Brussels, Kariņš assured Zelensky of Latvia’s unwavering support for Ukraine

EU leaders also discussed EU economic policy to ensure EU prosperity and global competitiveness in the long term, taking into account geopolitical challenges. When asked about the EU’s reaction to the US inflation reduction law, the Prime Minister stated that it must be carefully evaluated, avoiding hasty steps. In addition, Kariņš emphasized that it is necessary to simplify the EU funds implementation system in order to shorten the time from decision-making to project implementation.

The European Council held a discussion on the common EU approach to migration policy, with the main focus on effective control of external borders and EU cooperation with third countries. The Prime Minister emphasized that the protection of the EU’s external borders is particularly important at the EU level, taking into account the situation on the entire EU border with Belarus and the increase in the flow of illegal migrants.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Latvia will support Ukraine as long as it is necessary

State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Andris Pelšs, during a working visit meeting with representatives of the European Union (EU) institutions, assured that Latvia will continue to support Ukraine as long as it is necessary, the LETA agency was informed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that during the meeting, the allies’ future support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia, as well as the EU’s involvement in the reconstruction of Ukraine, were discussed.

The negotiating partners praised Ukraine’s progress towards joining the EU and expressed “strong support” for it, while acknowledging that Ukraine needs to make the necessary reforms.

Pelš noted that it is necessary to work with allies in third countries, promoting awareness of the risks of circumventing the imposed sanctions against Russia, as well as the need to jointly fight against Russian propaganda narratives.

In Brussels, the Secretary of State met with the Secretary General of the European External Action Service Stefano Sanino, the Advisor to the President of the European Council on Foreign Affairs Simon Mordew, the Director General for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Gert Jan Kopman and the EU Special Representative for Central Asia Terhi Hakala.

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