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in Bordeaux, 19,000 doses against a “worrying” variant

8:11 am: British study confirms the effectiveness of Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines against the Indian variant

The vaccines from Pfizer / BioNTech and AstraZeneca / Oxford are proving to be almost as effective against the Indian variant of the coronavirus as against the English variant, a study by health authorities in England, Public Health England (PHE) said on Saturday.

According to the PHE study, which was conducted between April 5 and May 16, the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine was 88% effective against symptomatic Indian variant disease two weeks after the second dose, compared to 93% of effectiveness against the English variant.

Over the same period, AstraZeneca’s serum was 60% effective, compared to 66% against the English variant which had been detected in Kent.

British Health Minister Matt Hancock praised these results, which he described as “innovative”, at a time when the government is counting on its vaccination campaign to protect itself from an outbreak of the Indian variant which puts in peril the continuation of its deconfinement plan.

7:55 am: Brazilian president fined for walkabout without mask

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro will have to pay a fine because of a walkabout without a mask in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The law in force provides for a fine ranging from 2,000 to 1.5 million reais (300 to 230,000 euros).

7:46 am: In Madagascar, private companies call on the state for help

In an open letter, the Groupement des entreprises de Madagascar (GEM), an organization that represents the private sector, is seeking state aid to help vaccinate its members, hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.

7:26 am: Soon a Moderna vaccine for 12-17 year olds?

The American biotechnology company Moderna will file “in early June” an application for marketing authorization in the European Union for its anti-Covid vaccine for 12-17 year olds, said his boss Stéphane Bancel in the Journal du dimanche.

Considering that “by the summer, all adults wishing to be vaccinated will have received a first dose”, Stéphane Bancel estimated that “it will then be necessary very quickly to target adolescents from 12 to 17 years old”.

6:54 a.m.: Sixty countries are asking for more patents to be lifted than for vaccines alone

According to Médecins sans frontières (MSF) and the NGO Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), more than 60 countries have presented to the World Trade Organization (WTO) a revision of their text on the abandonment of intellectual property protections for Covid-19 vaccines and other medical tools. They are asking for a broader lifting of patents than for anti-Covid vaccines alone, so that it includes the medical tools necessary to fight the pandemic, NGOs said on Saturday.

6:49 am: Germany has lifted the testing obligations for cross-border workers

Since midnight Sunday, it is no longer necessary for border workers from France to present an anti-Covid test to go to Germany. Indeed, France is no longer considered by Berlin as a high incidence area, and only as a risk area. It is a relief for the tens of thousands of workers, coming from Alsace or Moselle, who make this journey every day. Note that the Saar had already lifted these restrictions on May 13.

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6:48 am: In Bordeaux, 19,000 doses against a “worrying” variant

Some 19,000 doses were released in order to vaccinate the entire major population of a district of Bordeaux after the discovery of a cluster of around fifty positive cases for a “worrying” variant. Called VOC 20I / 484Q, it is for the first time at the origin of such a large cluster.

An ephemeral vaccination center must also be set up – “if possible from Wednesday” – in this district of Bacalan, in the north of the city.

People who tested positive, mostly young people, children and parents of young children attending the same school, were not hospitalized.

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What you need to know about the variant detected in Bordeaux

A “very rare” variant of Covid-19 is responsible for a cluster of at least 46 cases in Bordeaux (Gironde). From the modified British variant, it had so far been little detected in France.

6:47 am: Less than 20,000 hospitalized patients, a first since October

The number of Covid-19 patients in French hospitals has fallen below 20,000, a first since October 27. They are exactly 19,765 patients with Covid-19, including 468 admitted in the past 24 hours. In critical care services, which welcome those most affected, there are 3,544 patients (against 3,631 the day before).

6:45 am: Hello and welcome to this live video dedicated to monitoring the Covid-19 epidemic in France and around the world.

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