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In Bondy, the volleyball club has the upper hand against the removal of training schedules

He even created a hashtag # sauvonslevolleyàBondy on social networks. The Bondy volleyball club launched a petition last week change.org website to protest against the abolition of some posts that the mayor has so far given him to the Pierre-Curie gymnasium.

In three days it has already collected almost 500 signatures. “We learned over the summer that of the three senior posts we benefited from on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Monday and Thursday, they were simply canceled, even if they are the ones that welcome the most people,” deplores Gabriella Fenaux, co-club president.

AS Bondy Volley, however, claims to have seen its membership nearly double in two years. “We went from 65 in 2020 to 118 in 2022, explains the manager. If two adult sessions are taken away, we will no longer be able to train young people. We risk eliminating a club that has existed for 40 years, while France is now Olympic champion in this discipline! One of our seats must be occupied by an indoor football association. However, there is already a lot of football in the city. “

“It is not an acquired advantage”, remarks the mayor

“I understand that the club may feel pained, admits Stephen Hervé, Mayor (LR) of Bondy. But it is the eternal problem of slot allocation that we find at the beginning of each school year. We are overwhelmed with demands. Some associations, which have long had niches, do not understand that this is not a vested advantage. “

The two canceled places were in fact sold to an indoor football association and to the football club for the blind where people with disabilities play. “The former were denied slots for years,” explains the mayor. It is estimated that he had waited long enough to be eligible for at least one slot a week. The second needed an extra slot. Furthermore, we have proposed to the volleyball club to recover a space on Friday, but we have not yet received an answer on this. “

The elected official, questioned by the club on Saturday during the back-to-school forum, must meet with his representatives on Tuesday to find common ground.

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