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In Boca they see the future of the Copa Libertadores with doubts

With the confirmation on the table that the training will return on Monday, August 10, and with a sanitary protocol in accordance to start the practices in the Ezeiza Complex, in Boca they are also attentive to what happens outside borders, while the Conmebol press to play the Liberators cup, with dates already fixed and communicated in which it encourages the restart. And some signals coming from other countries about the return of soccer are not encouraging.

The only rival from group H that returned to the official matches is Libertad de Paraguay, an opponent on September 17 in the first game that Boca must play when the Libertadores resume. That is why the coaching staff is already analyzing the videos of the meetings that the set of Ramon Diaz. But according to the calendar drawn up by Conmebol (everyone in South America believes that the established days will be delayed), Russo’s team should travel to Colombia to meet seven days later with Independiente Medellín in the second scheduled game.

Is it possible for an Argentine team to travel to Asunción and then to Colombia without going through the national territory to carry out sanitary isolation? What happens if one or more players test positive for COVID 19 after the first game of Libertadores? Can they travel and not play, are they isolated in the country they visited or will the entire team be unable to make the second trip? “The problem with the Copa Libertadores is not that it starts to be played; the issue is how to go ahead if contagions appear and teams have to travel outside their countries“they told Clarion from Boca.

These are health questions that today Conmebol answers with the checkbook. So she gave money to carry out the tests and now added dollars to hire the charters for private flights. What he cannot yet give certainty about is the essential: What happens if a campus is affected by cases of coronavirus and cannot continue competing. At Conmebol and Asunción, nobody wants to talk about it for now. This Thursday there will be a talk at the Council of the South American football entity and the questions that arise in the midst of the pandemic will be exposed.

Salvio scored two goals against Independiente Medellín. (Photo: AP)

While those doubts appear and a return to domestic training is seen on the near horizon, in Boca they also heard the versions that came from coffee lands in the last hours. Because the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, He explained that the return of football in his country will be delayed for September and that the idea is that the matches take place in few venues. The transcended speak of an intention to play the Colombian league in the Coffee Axis (the cities of Pereira, Armenia or Manizales). So things: Would Boca play Independiente Medellín in another Colombian city? To make matters worse, Bogotá and Medellín are in two of the areas most affected by infections in the country, and which have greater restrictions.

Alejandro Domínguez, head of Conmebol, pressures to play again.  (Photo: EFE / Nathalia Aguilar)

Alejandro Domínguez, head of Conmebol, pressures to play again. (Photo: EFE / Nathalia Aguilar)

At the Boca CD they are thinking only of having everything ready for the return to training. But they know that then the time will come when Claudio Tapia(Or will there be government representatives?) Speak to Conmebol and explain the difficulties that exist for international competition. Although Conmebol puts money as its best negotiating weapon. Could it be that the Libertadores can only be played until the end of the group stage? Do you give the dates to play until the end of the year the quarterfinals? Questions abound in a setting where uncertainty rules.

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