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In Bali, the United States and China play the appeasement

The meeting held this Saturday, July 9 between the representatives of the Chinese and American diplomats initiate the relaxation between the two countries, whose relations are stormy? Perhaps, if we believe the statements of Antony Blinken after the five-hour discussion he had with his counterpart Wang Yi, the day after a meeting of the heads of diplomacy of the G20 in Bali. “Despite the complexity of our relationship, I can say with some confidence that our delegations found today’s discussions useful, frank and constructive” , said the US Secretary of State.

“Condemn Ukraine’s aggression”

Antony Blinken thus asked his Chinese counterpart to distance himself from Moscow. “This is truly a time when we all need to stand up, as one G20 country after another has done, to condemn the aggression. » The day before, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had faced a flood of criticism about Ukraine and left slamming the door.

Antony Blinken also said he had raised US concerns with China. “in the face of Beijing’s increasingly important activities with regard to Taiwan” , an independent island that China wants to force back into its fold.

Also read. Jean-Philippe Béja: “China lives in a situation of rare opacity”

The aim of these talks, which aimed to re-establish dialogue between the two superpowers, seems in any case to have been achieved. Even if US President Joe Biden remains on a rather hard line vis-à-vis China, the two countries are aware that they must at all costs prevent their very numerous dissensions leading to a conflict that they could no longer control.

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