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In August, the Riga Dome will perform the summer classics of the Orchestra ‘Riga’

In August, the orchestra “Riga” invites listeners to classical music concerts in the Riga Dome, informed the orchestra’s marketing specialist Baiba Tilhena.

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On the three Tuesdays of August, the large acoustics of the Dome Church will feature music for wind instruments and the organ.

This year, the Riga Orchestra has invited a number of conductors, organists and soloists to collaborate, including a reunion with conductor Ainars Rubikis.

This summer, the Orchestra “Riga” will offer listeners three contrasting music programs in the series of classical music concerts – “Bach, Beethoven, Brahms”, “Bach, Schubert, Schuman” and “Bach, Mendelssohn, Mahler” – and Guntis Kuzma, organist Ilze Reini, Liene Andreta Kalnciems and Jānis Pelši, as well as soloists – singer Evija Martinson and saxophonist Aigars Raumanis. They will be performed at the Riga Dome on the evenings of August 4, August 11 and August 25.

On August 4, the concert “Bach, Beethoven, Brahms” will mark the 250th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven, including in the program the overture “Egmonts”, which acquires fresh musical expressiveness for the wind orchestra of Mendel Bash.

The program represents the work of the baroque master Johann Sebastian Bach and the German romantic Johannes Brahms. Along with the orchestra, Evija Martinsone (soprano) and organist Liene Andreta Kalnciema will take part in the concert. The concert will be conducted by Guntis Kuzma.

Internationally recognized Latvian conductor Ainars Rubikis will be at the conductor’s desk of the Orchestra “Riga” on August 11. The concert “Bach, Schubert, Schuman” will sound like the most romantic in this concert series.

From the work of JS Bach, the performance of the Orchestra “Riga” will feature the Coral Prelude Jesu bleibet meine Freude and Fantasy and the fugue do minor BWV 537, while organist Ilze Reine will play Bach Fantasy in the Sol major.

Her repertoire also includes two opuses by Robert Schuman – sketch no. 3 Lebhaft from the cycle “Four Sketches” op. 58 and Fugue no. 2 Mit sanften Stimmen from the cycle “Six Fugues on the BACH Theme” op. 60. The concert program also includes special performances by Franz Schubert, performed by Boleslav Voļaks.

In his memory will sound Schubert’s 8th or Unfinished Symphony and Allegretto grazioso version for alto saxophone and wind orchestra. The sounds of the saxophone will also shine in R. Schuman’s popular theme “Dream” from the cycle “Children’s Scenes” op. 15. Nr. 7. Solo will be performed by Aigars Raumanis, winner of the Great Music Prize 2019.

The final program of the concert series “Bach, Mendelssohn, Mahler”, in which Jānis Pelše will play the Riga Dome organ and the orchestra will be preceded by its artistic director and chief conductor Valdis Butāns, is expected at the end of August – August 25.

Tickets for the orchestra “Riga” concerts in Riga Dome can be purchased at “Biļešu paradīze” box offices, “www.bilesuparadize.lv” and Riga Dome box office.

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