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In August, a decision will be made on the five-year budget. Grandma sweat with canceled super rough salary | Home

Prague On 11 August, Prime Minister Andrej Babi (YES) and Finance Minister Alena Schillerov (for YES) will negotiate with some ministers on a five-year budget. Grandma said it on Saturday in his video on Facebook. The Prime Minister added that the sweat is growing and so with the abolition of the super-gross wage, which should bring with it the tax burden of employees.

Babi said that August 11 will be all day at the Ministry of Finance. They will be attended by some ministers and we will discuss the budget for five years, he said. He stressed that the sweat with the growth of income and the abolition of the super-gross wage. It is necessary to dream of taxing employees, it would be good to get to 15 percent, which the ODS promised, Babi stated.

The defeat on Twitter was criticized by ODS deputy chairman Zbynk Stanjura. For five years, Andrej Babi rejected a proposal for a drastically reduced day for employees. As is his custom, the npad stole it and on Saturday presented it as his. Nevad, the result is the result, so maybe don’t change your mind again, he said. Two years ago, the government took a negative stance on the ODS proposal to tax only gross wages, ie without the employer’s contributions to health and social insurance. The ODS proposed that the tax rate remain at 15 percent as of now.

This year’s deficit widened due to a new type of coronavirus pandemic and related measures. The government first pushed from the original 40 billion to 200 billion, later to 300 billion, and in mid-July, President Milo Zeman signed an amendment increasing the deficit to 500 billion crowns. In connection with this, the House submitted a government to develop a concept for the consolidation of public finances for the period 2021 and 2027. The government has to submit it by 30 September.

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