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In Ascoli Piceno, a lawyer defrauds his clients

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Various complaints were presented to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Ascoli Piceno by people who believed they had been defrauded by their lawyer in civil proceedings and who, on the basis of settlement agreements with the counterparties, were found to be false and by provisions of the Courts of Ascoli Piceno, Fermo and Teramo, also false, they had made payments of large sums believing them to be destined for their creditors, payments which had instead been collected by other subjects; at the same time, similar sentences came from the Courts of Ascoli Piceno and Teramo
communications relating to findings of false documents attributable to the same lawyer.

The detailed and complex investigative activities directed by the Office were carried out by the Judicial Police Section of this Prosecutor’s Office and by the Compagnia Guardia di Finanza S.
Benedetto del Tronto and allowed the outline of a circumstantial framework which was considered solid and serious enough to justify the request for a precautionary measure against the lawyer and
a businessman from Ascoli believing that there is a concrete and current danger of repeating further similar crimes and for the complete and genuine acquisition of proof; it was, therefore,
applied by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations prison measure in relation to the danger of evidentiary pollution with a term of 30 days and the measure of house arrest for
risk of repeating the crimes upon expiry of the prison measure.

These, in summary, are conducted hypothesized on the basis of the elements collected and examined in the precautionary custody provision:
– the scams against its customers were made by the defender:

– through the formation of false agreements settlement agreements signed by its customers in the context of civil proceedings relating to debt collection, property foreclosures, property release procedures…, in such agreements – in reality not signed by the counterparty of the civil proceedings, not included in the proceedings documents and not known by the Judge – it was foreseen the payment to companies set up for the purpose by additional subjects (who were also subjected to investigation for complicity in the multi-aggravated scams and in the subsequent self-laundering and laundering of the profits of the scams) of even huge sums; these companies had names almost identical to the actual creditor companies and counterparties in the civil proceedings (sometimes only changing the punctuation, or the spacing, or indicating “srls” instead of the real “srl”); these false transaction documents were accompanied by false orders issued by judges of the Court of
Teramo, Ascoli Piceno and Fermo (which ratified the false settlement agreements and which ordered the payment of the sums to specific IBANs of companies established for the purpose);

– through the simulation of civil proceedings that do not actually existfalsifying judicial documents and orders (including liquidation procedures that do not actually exist and forgeries
judicial provisions which authorized sales in this context, opening and closing the liquidation, appointing the liquidator lawyer, authorizing him to conclude purchase and sale transactions by establishing the payment of sums of money directly into the liquidator’s bank account);

– falsifying other judicial decisions to reassure its customers on the progress of the procedures;

– forming false receipts for the payment of contributions and registry fees per defensive activity and having the falsely paid amount paid;

all in competition with other subjects which set up companies with a company name almost identical to that of the creditor companies and almost always opened current accounts abroad or online where the lawyer’s clients paid the sums of money believing they were paying them to their creditors, then carrying out further bank movements aimed to hinder the reconstruction of the origin of this money.

The scams (all contested to the lawyer and individually to other specific subjects) for which – at present – serious circumstantial elements have been collected – there are 7 with damage to the injured parties corresponding to the sums paid totaling 200 thousand euros. The self-laundering operations carried out through various banking operations aimed at hindering the identification of the criminal origin of the money (all operations contested by the lawyer and each by other specific subjects) currently concern the whole 152mila euro.

The recycling operations (contested against the trader subjected to precautionary measures and other subjects) concern the overall sum of 39mila euro. The lawyer is also charged with the crimes of aggravated false material for the formation of false judicial orders of the Courts of Ascoli Piceno, Teramo and Fermo. In addition to the two individuals arrested, four other people are being investigated for the crimes of complicity in multi-aggravated fraud, self-laundering and money laundering.

The personnel of the Guardia di Finanza under the Judicial Police Section of this Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Company of S. Benedetto del T. then executed
to the precautionary custody order in prison against the two people indicated and simultaneously carried out personal and home searches against all six
subjects subjected to investigation, seizing material of investigative interest to fully reconstruct the story and verify any further crimes, including telephones
cell phones and computer equipment; the law office of the arrested lawyer was also searched – with the authorization of the Judge for Preliminary Investigations.

In the next few days the two arrested people will be questioned by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations and will be able to provide their version of events. Investigation activities are still ongoing.

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