Home » News » In an unusual gala, Paloma was eliminated from Big Brother SHOW El Intransigente

In an unusual gala, Paloma was eliminated from Big Brother SHOW El Intransigente

Big brother He experienced one of the most unusual elimination galas in memory. Since then, all the participants in the house were left in a record, after a hard sanction of the representation. In particular, the argument he put forward «Big», based on hygiene and household care. In this sense, the participants had received warnings more than once.

However, the moment of truth soon arrived, as one by one, the participants were released from the public Big brother. In this regard, this was a way for the participants to measure their level of interest. In particular, this elimination gala again had a positive vote, that is, the most popular participant has a better chance of staying.

Finally, Santiago del Moro end of the expectation Big brotherwhen it was just: Mauro, Paloma and Florencia. However, it was time to open the envelope containing the name of the expelled partner. Then the driver ended the mystery and announced that Paloma He left the house in great gala.

Martín and Emmanuel featured in a spicy back-and-forth in Big Brother: “You’re untouchable”

Big brother he saw many alliances and friendships forming within the house. In this sense, Martin y Emanuel They have a great bond almost like brotherhood. However, the two partners had a very difficult discussion, after a mocking comment on “That’s all». Quickly, the stylist responded with mercy: “How stupid you are, I’m telling you that as I’m telling you.”

In this aspect, Martin he took the stage Big brother and he said: “I didn’t talk to you about anything, bolu… I’m worrying you. You’re always in a bad mood when I’m not arguing with you, stop puffing up your balls for a second. My God, you are intolerant. Look how pathetic I am, huh. “Cook whatever you want or…, I’ll eat whatever they give me,” he said, frustrated by the misunderstanding.

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