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In addition to the UI Chancellor, this is a list of rectors who hold concurrent positions as commissioners

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Chancellor of the University of Indonesia or UI Chancellor Ari Kuncoro has resigned from the position of Deputy President Commissioner or Independent Commissioner of PT BRI. The resignation letter was received by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) on Thursday, July 22, 2021. Apart from Ari Kuncoro, a number of rectors at the university also serve as commissioners. Here are the names.


1. Rektor Universitas Bengkulu

Selain menjadi Rektor Universitas Bengkulu, Ridwan Nurazi menjabat sebagai Komisaris Utama Bank Bengkulu yang dilantik langsung oleh Gubernur Bengkulu Rosidin Mersyah. Seperti dikutip sejumlah media, Ridwan mengatakan jabatan rangkap yang diembannya tersebut telah mendapatkan izin dari Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi.


Kemenristekdikti mengizinkan Ridwan untuk menjadi Komisaris Utama Bank Bengkulu, dengan syarat tidak melalaikan tugas sebagai rektor. Waktu itu Kemenristekdikti menyatakan rangkap jabatan sebagai rektor dan komisaris tersebut telah melalui kajian.

However, the Center for Anti-Corruption Studies or Puskaki of Bengkulu Province recently suggested that Ridwan resign from the position of President Commissioner, this is because Puskaki considers it very unethical for an academic who holds concurrent positions for a fairly strategic position in Bengkulu.

2. Chancellor of Hasanuddin University

In addition to serving as Unhas Chancellor, Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu is also a Commissioner at PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. The dual status of the position was widely discussed on social media. Dwia was appointed as a commissioner of PT Vale Indonesia because he is said to have extensive knowledge and research related to conflict resolution and community development. Since being appointed as Chancellor in April 2014, Dwia is still active today, plus serves as a commissioner.

3. Chancellor of the International Islamic University of Indonesia

The Indonesian International Islamic University or UIII still sounds foreign because it has not operated like universities in general, because it is still in a period of consolidation. Its Chancellor, Komaruddin Hidayat, besides serving as the number one person at UIII, is also an Independent Commissioner of Bank Syariah Indonesia or BSI.

When appointed as an Independent Commissioner of BSI, Komaruddin said that at that time UIII had not yet operated so that the commissioner’s position would not interfere with his academic activities on campus. Because the construction and consolidation of UIII will only be completed in 2024, where his position as commissioner will end at that time.

However, if it is considered disturbing and detrimental to both, Komaruddin is ready to resign from one of these positions.


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