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Medical Doctor Influencer, dr. Gia Pratama Putra said that during the pandemic, the need for vitamin C was very much needed. Not only from supplements, fruit intake is equally important.
“Vitamin C from fruits,” he said during the virtual launch of Hevit-Plus entitled Language of Love in the Pandemic Era, Wednesday (10/2).
In addition to oranges which are rich in vitamin C, here are three types of fruits that contain high levels of vitamin C. You can consume it every day, it tastes delicious and of course healthy.
Ceri Acerola
Acerola cherries, this one fruit also contains a lot of vitamin C in it or about 822 milligrams (mg).
A study shows that this fruit has cancer-fighting properties, helps prevent UVB-induced skin damage and reduces DNA damage caused by a poor diet.
Guava Seeds
This tropical fruit is no less healthy, because it contains vitamin C that can meet your daily needs. One guava contains 126 mg of vitamin C, or 140 percent. It is also very rich in the antioxidant lycopene.
A study found that eating 400 grams of peeled guava per day, or about seven fruits, can lower blood pressure and total cholesterol levels.
One medium-sized kiwi fruit contains 71 mg of vitamin C. Later in a study, that eating 2-3 kiwis daily for 28 days reduced blood platelet stickiness by 18 percent.
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In addition, consuming kiwi lowers triglycerides by 15 percent. This can reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke. And increase the activity of white blood cells by 20 percent.
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