Home » today » Health » In addition to diabetes that could reach any age, this disease could also give the right to about 800 euros per month regardless of income

In addition to diabetes that could reach any age, this disease could also give the right to about 800 euros per month regardless of income

Being healthy is the most precious gift you can have, despite the fact that it is sometimes taken for granted. But when serious health problems arrive, everything changes both for those who are directly affected and for the family members who are around. For this reason, our legislator has provided for various forms of protection and support for those who are sick and for their families. For example for those suffering from diabetes over the disability pension they are also entitled to 525 euros.

But in addition to diabetes that could occur both at a young age and in old age, also illnesses involving the psychic sphere can give the right to disability. In fact, there are pathologies that seriously compromise the emotional sphere, the perception of oneself and the social relationships of those affected. Those who suffer from it often cannot distinguish reality from imagination, losing contact with everything around them. The family of the person affected by this disabling condition also faces a difficult situation due to the situations determined by the same.

However, not all mental illnesses are entitled to a disability and accompanying allowance, as only some have a high percentage of disability. For example, the INPS, in certain cases, recognizes for those suffering from headache and depression a monthly disability allowance.

In addition to diabetes, which could reach any age, this condition could also entitle you to about 800 euros per month regardless of income

Among the mental illnesses that can give the right to a monthly allowance of 290 euros and, if the conditions are met, to accompaniment, there is schizophrenia. According to the INPS guidelines for the assessment of invalidating statesthe paranoid type, the catatonic type, the disorganized type fall within the scope of schizophrenic psychosis. As well as schizo-affective disorder and residual schizophrenia. When disorganized, catatonic, paranoid or unspecified schizophrenia involves a mild deficit, the INPS recognizes a percentage of disability at 60%. When the deficit is assessed as moderate, the disability rises to 75%.

The same is true for residual schizophrenia with moderate deficit. While if the deficit is assessed as serious, the disability will be equal to 100%. When it comes to schizo-affective disorder the percentage will be 50, 75 and 100% depending on whether the deficit is mild, moderate or severe. Therefore, depending on the percentage recognized, various concessions may be available such as the exemption of the ticket, work permits for family members and economic benefits.

Such as the disability allowance equal to about 290 euros per month if a percentage equal to or greater than 74% is recognized. While with 100% disability and the inability to carry out the acts of daily life independently, you are also entitled to an accompanying allowance, of approximately 525 euros. In this way it will be possible to obtain approximately 800 euros per month which can support the disabled person and his / her family in the necessary assistance costs. These acknowledgments are obviously not automatic but a specific request by a party will be required.


INPS will pay over 500 euros without ISEE and income limits to parents who send this important application

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