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In addition to cloudy memory, these alarm bells could warn of early Alzheimer’s and dementia.

It is often believed that problems related to mental health and cognitive decline belong only to the third age. In reality, especially in subjects who make some wrong life choices, the problem could present itself ahead of time.

It is no coincidence that people suffering from dementia in Italy would amount to about 1 million, 600,000 of which affected by Alzheimer’s.

This is why at any age it would be advisable to evaluate one’s health by paying attention to some messages that the body sends us.

We had already said, in fact, that brain and memory could be shattered by ignoring these symptoms of dementia.

Control over risk factors

Furthermore, it seems that the numbers mentioned above are destined to grow due to the increase in the average age and inadequate lifestyle.

To express themselves on the matter, would have been the researchers of the prestigious University of Shanghai who would have tried to identify the most incident factors. The study revealed that the most effective weapon at our disposal is undoubtedly prevention. This led scholars to identify 10 potential risk factors to control and suggest ways to reduce them.

A mentally active life which includes reading and study, control of hypertension, stress and depression and which includes sufficient physical activity would therefore be recommended.

Diabetes, also one of the most common diseases, is also one of the factors to keep under control.

This, in fact, would be among the most accidental causes in terms of mental health.

However it would appear that this diabetes drug would also fight cancer and dementia.

In addition to cloudy memory, these alarm bells could warn of early Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Those just mentioned are all useful precautions to deal with an illness that often presents itself with confusion and memory loss. However, in addition to the clouded memory, these alarm bells could herald Alzheimer’s and dementia as early as it would suggest. Veronesi Foundation.

Among these are mentioned the difficulties in abstract thinking, that is, difficulty or inability to recognize numbers and perform calculations. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s also include language difficulties and sudden changes in mood, especially when it tends to become aggressive.

In addition, there is a loss of interest in one’s passions and an inability to judge in daily activities. In fact, it could happen that those affected by this pathology put objects in the wrong place, such as shoes in the oven, without knowing how they got there.

Due recommendations

Without creating alarmism, these symptoms could also be dictated by a particularly stressful period or with poor sleep. Having some memory lapses is not alarming but in case of perplexity it is always good to consult a specialist.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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