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In a terrible accident, the car set on fire: 1 dead, 1 injured

The accident occurred around the Izmir-Ankara D300 highway Eşme Junction around 23:30. According to the claim, Ozan Ş. 64 LS 902 license plate car out of control, proceeding in the same direction and hit 35 PEU 13 license plate car from behind by Bayram Yeşil (60).

With the impact of the crash, 35 PEU 13 license plate cars were on fire, while the 64 LS 902 license plate car flew to the water channel to the right of the road. Citizens who saw the accident, while interfering with the fire, also reported the situation to the 112 Emergency Call Center. Upon notice, health, fire brigade, police and gendarmerie teams were dispatched to the scene.

Coming to the scene in a short time Manisa Kula fire brigade teams affiliated with the Metropolitan Municipality worked both to extinguish the burning car and to save the driver Bayram Yeşil and Halil Tuna (70) who were stuck in the car.

The injured were taken out of the car and handed over to the medics. The fire in the vehicle was quickly extinguished. After the first intervention, the wounded were taken to Kula State Hospital by ambulances and were treated. According to the news of DHA; Bayram Yeşil, whose condition was severe, could not be saved despite all the interventions of the doctors, while Halil Tuna was sent to Salihli State Hospital due to his life-threatening condition.

On the other hand, it was learned that the car driver Ozan Ş., Who hit the car in front of him, was military personnel. Ozan Ş., Who was detained by the prosecution order, was taken to the District Gendarmerie Command for his statement.

Transportation on the Izmir-Ankara D300 highway stopped for a while due to the accident. Investigation into the accident continues.

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