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in a pandemic, anti-Russian sanctions must be lifted – InoTV

In times of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic difficulties, it is especially necessary to develop cooperation and solidarity, said former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Therefore, now is the time to abandon meaningless anti-Russian sanctions – especially since Germany should appreciate Russia’s willingness to work together, despite the monstrous destruction war that the German Nazis waged against it, he stressed in an interview with Der Tagesspiegel.

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder warns against harmful disputes over costs and benefits and weakening quarantine measures too quickly in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. “National Socialists who have no life value millions of people and killed them. In accordance with historical experience and for good reason, we are careful about protecting life and considering restrictions, and this is how it should remain. ” – said Schroeder in an interview with the German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel.

The discussion provoked by the chairman of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, that the protection of life is not above all, Schroeder called, first of all, philosophical. However, everyone should understand: “If we now weaken the measures too quickly, and then we need a second quarantine, these thoughts will become not a philosophical, but a very real, practical problem”.

According to the ex-Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel is right when she calls for patience. The limitations associated with the pandemic are not so long-lived, Schroeder stressed in an interview with the publication.

He also does not believe that restrictive measures significantly aggravate the life of the next generation. “It should also be interested in ensuring that the economy remains stable, and in the future there are jobs and educational opportunities.”.

From the point of view of Schroeder, it is very important to think about culture: many in this area were left without work and are extremely concerned about the situation. They need help, because after the crisis, it will not only be necessary to quickly start up enterprises again – culture will also be needed.

In addition, in connection with the coronavirus, Schroeder called on the German government to lift sanctions against Russia. “Right now, when due to the crisis with coronavirus we are approaching difficult economic times, we need more cooperation. Therefore, meaningless sanctions must be eliminated. ” Said the last ex-chancellor still living in an interview with Tagesspiegel on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II.

To a reminder that sanctions were Europe’s response to the “annexation” * of Crimea, Schroeder replied: “Anyone who believes that Russia can be forced to do something through sanctions is mistaken. Not a single Russian president will ever give Crimea to Ukraine ”.

According to the former chancellor, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, commemorative celebrations in honor of the end of World War II teach that instead of confrontation, today around the world there is a desire for mutual understanding, cooperation and solidarity. Moreover, in the case of Russia, one must not forget about the historical past.

“It was a monstrous military extermination campaign with the goal of erasing Russia from the world political arena. We must never forget this – and German policy towards Russia must reckon with this more than is happening now, ” – convinced Schroeder. “We cannot overestimate the fact that, despite this terrible past, Russia is ready to confidentially cooperate with the new Germany. At the same time, it is inappropriate for us to continue supporting sanctions against Russia, ” He added.

Gerhard Schroeder objected to criticism of his proximity to Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as his employment with Russian state concerns Gazprom and Rosneft: “When someone sits on the board of directors of an American company and acts as a direct supporter of transatlantic relations, no one says that he takes such a position only because he works there. This always happens only when it comes to Russia. ”.

Schroeder also called on the leading German parties to determine the candidates for the post of chancellor as soon as possible and to clarify this issue. Particular difficulties in this regard are experienced by the union of the CDU and CSU, which faced a dilemma due to the fact that Angela Merkel will no longer run for office, the German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel notes.

* Crimea became part of Russia after the vast majority of the peninsula voted in a referendum on March 16, 2014 (approx. InoTV).

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