Home » today » Health » In a meaningful event in the Plaza, the Monument to the Victims of Covid 19 was unveiled – Municipality of Necochea

In a meaningful event in the Plaza, the Monument to the Victims of Covid 19 was unveiled – Municipality of Necochea

The opening ceremony was attended by Mayor Arturo Rojas, who praised the idea of ​​neighbor Javier Rens and remembered with emotion the local victims of the pandemic.

This Friday, the Monument that commemorates the local Victims of the Covid 19 pandemic was inaugurated in Plaza Dardo Rocha, an idea of ​​Necochea resident Javier Rens, who lost his wife in 2021 and since he had the initiative to remember her, he had the municipal support for the different stages of the work that was discovered today in society.

The event in the square on Av. 59 between 58 and 60 -heading towards the Municipal Hospital- was attended by Mayor Arturo Rojas, along with part of his government team and members of the Honorable Deliberative Council. In addition, members of APA (Association of Police and Penitentiary Unions of the Province of Buenos Aires) and other intermediary institutions, local residents and visitors from the region accompanied the event with their place in the tribute.

Clearly moved, Javier Rens remembered his wife María Norma Solis and through her all those who passed away due to the pandemic, defining that “it is a day to express what I carry inside my soul and I do not want to make it personal, but open, and there is nothing nicer than thanking those who are present, some out of pain and others out of empathy; to Mr. Municipal Mayor, Arturo Rojas and his team who always treated us well; to Juan Gamba, Walter Pérez and all the staff of the Culture Directorate who always treated us in the best way.”

He also extended his thanks to the local councillors and his friends and family in particular. “When life throws us to the canvas, we have to kiss the canvas and push ourselves up, there is no other way. I embrace with all my soul all the victims of Covid and their families, I will never forget this image in my life, it is a promise kept,” he said through tears.

Likewise, before the Mayor there were the allusive words of Major Carlos Maure from the Association of Police and Penitentiary Officers of the Province of Buenos Aires, as well as from member Juan Carlos Moreyra, who paid tribute to “the members of the police and the penitentiary service who offered their lives in that unequal struggle that was the fight against Covid 19.”

In his time, Mayor Rojas mentioned that “I want to thank and congratulate neighbor Javier Rens who transformed his pain into this monument,” he recalled those “painful and unthinkable moments that we had to live through,” emphasizing that “there were many people, beyond doctors and nurses, who put their shoulders to the wheel and acted as public servants to be able to care for each of the neighbors, it was an enormous effort from a human point of view, putting their own lives at risk.”

Rojas noted that “it is something that is difficult for us to remember because of how painful it was, because we lost family members and loved ones and because it made us change even basic customs such as greeting each other or not being able to share even a mate” and concluded that “for those of us who are believers, we know that when a loved one or a friend leaves us, it is a see you later, that sooner or later we will have to meet again, so I ask that God have every victim of Covid in his glory.”

Audio by Arturo Rojas

Audio Javier Rens

It is worth mentioning that the opening ceremony of the monument included the blessing of the priest Fernando Mendoza and the Argentine National Anthem with the interpretation of the Sign Language choir of which María Norma Solis was a member. In addition, various plaques were unveiled and floral offerings were presented, with Mayor Rojas and the Secretary of Health, Andrea Perestiuk, in charge of the municipal offering.

AUDIO Rojas, AUDIO Clear

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