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“In a lesbian relationship, love is more important than possession”

In 2005, in Espai Lliure, a miracle took place: the actress Anna Lizaran invited the director Josep Maria Mestres and the actresses Emma Vilarasau and Marta Marco to mount A Boston wedding, by David Mamet. The success led to a revival the following year. Now, the wonder returns, with Vilarasau in the role of Lizaran, Marco in that of Vilarasau, and Emma Arquillué, the maid, in that of Marco. This Friday it premieres at the Municipal Theater of Girona (October 4, 5 and 6), within the High Season, and on the 12th the season begins at La Villarroel.

What is this revival like?

I really wanted to, because I wanted to pass the baton: for Anna to pass it to me, me to Marta, and Marta to Emma.

Is Lizaran still here?

When we started rehearsing, his tones came to me all the time: I had heard them so many times… Taking that away and doing it as if I didn’t know the play, it was two great weeks. And then that’s it. Now I have made the character my own and it is a different way of doing things, but yes, it was curious. And the same thing happened to Marta.

With the current feminist and LGTBI movements, the text has been updated only

Emma VilarasauActress

Is the text still valid?

The text is still very good. Not only has it not expired, but now, with this second wave of feminism and the LGTBI movement, you look at the show differently. It has updated itself.

The story takes place in 1900.

They are two shameless women, very witty, who talk about everything: about men, about their homosexuality with complete freedom. And Mamet fills the text with surprises, with characters who tend to be very tricksters, survivors, tricksters.

What is yours like?

He cheats to avoid losing the other, because he loves her very much and cannot accept living without her. And he will do anything. In every love relationship, there is a power relationship. Who exercises power, who manipulates more… For love, of course.

The actresses Emma Arquillué, Marta Marco and Emma Vilarasau, between the translator Joan Sellent and the director Josep Maria Mestres, presenting ‘A marriage from Boston’

Eli Don / ACN

Are you dressed in period clothes?

Yes, and it’s nice because they live in the 19th century and are corseted. We considered a more modern wardrobe, but we came to the conclusion that it was nice because they are two women who have to invent their relationship. It is not heterostructural, but it is a lesbian relationship and they have to imagine it, because there are no models. Then there is the contrast of the corset and the language they use, very baroque, very Oscar Wilde, with a behavior that is very modern. This tension between the form and what they experience is more comical. If they were dressed today, they wouldn’t be so funny.

Has the setup changed?

Now we start from the love of the two of them. Although they are at different times and ages, and there is a constant dispute, there is a lot of love.

What is the current message?

Something that is beautiful, that I think lesbian relationships have more than straight ones, is how they see possession. They reach an agreement to say, go, it doesn’t matter, do what you want, but don’t leave. Above sex and the stories you may have, above desire, there is a deep love and, above all, an acquired complicity that will keep us together.

I am excited to wear the necklace that Anna Lizaran wore and that the Lliure gave us

Emma VilarasauActress

Doesn’t that happen with men?

It is more difficult, because there is a more possessive issue and it is difficult to accept… Now polyamory exists and it is complicated… These people do polyamory and, look, they do well.

Would Anna Lizaran be happy with this revival?

For sure yes. She liked to play and it went very well for me because I am more intense. It is a function to thank the teachers and say that we are part of a chain. You left us, but we follow in your wake. Maybe in 20 years this play will be staged again and Marta will play my role and Emma will play Marta… We have to be grateful to the teaching of those who have preceded us. And it makes me excited to wear the necklace that Anna was wearing. Lliure has given it to us and for me it is very important.

By the way, it has just been learned that Casa en flames will have a second part. How do you experience this success?

Very surprised and happy. My role is candy. When I read the script and saw that, just to begin, my character left his mother dead, I thought: and from now on, what will happen?

Catalan version, here

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