Home » today » Business » In a few weeks, goodbye hassles and robot callers: the new regulation on telemarketing will come into force

In a few weeks, goodbye hassles and robot callers: the new regulation on telemarketing will come into force

The Register of Oppositions “is a free service for the user that allows you to oppose the use for advertising purposes of the telephone numbers you own and the corresponding associated postal addresses, present in the public lists, by operators who carry out marketing activities through the telephone and / or paper mail.”

You can register via web page, telephone or registered letter, and after adding a number to the opposition register, if this number is contacted by a call center to carry out marketing activities, the call center manager risks a very severe fine.

Unfortunately until today this registry did not manage mobile phone numbers, nor was it designed for automated calls that are becoming more and more popular. Soon it will be: “In a few weeks the new regulation on the opposition register will be active, extended to automated calls, without operators and on mobile telephony“.

This is not new, it was known since the end of 2021, but the times were unknown: the risk that someone could oppose a regulation that can seriously affect the call center sector was concrete. Instead, the President of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the protection of consumers and users reported on Twitter the response that he himself received in the Commission from the Deputy Minister of Economic Development Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

Little is missing“, says Simone Baldelli, announcing the arrival in a very short time of the new regulation that will stop the wild telemarketing. As soon as it becomes available we will make an article with all the ways to register and put an end to unwanted calls once and for all.

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