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“In a 90% the Easter of the next 2022 can be normal” | Radio Úbeda

After the recent relaxation of sanitary measures in matters of external worship, the Bishopric of Jaén is predisposed, given the favorable evolution in the last weeks of the pandemic, to modify the transitory decree which currently governs the possible transfers of the Jaen brotherhoods, but not the processions, which are not currently contemplated in it.

This is what emerges from the testimony of the Vicar General of the Diocese of Jaén, Francisco Juan Martínez Rojas, who has noticed in his analysis of the regulations, in certain inconsistencies, as in the case of the gauges, 100% inside the temples, but with distance, or in the case of the bands, allowed by the Junta de Andalucía, but maintaining two meters of separation between components, four between the faithful.

Martínez Rojas has insisted on the need to outline everything, but if the pandemic continues its current progression, he foresees that “by 90 almost 100%, we could enjoy a practically normal Easter 2022“.

Town Crier 2022

The Vicar General of the Diocese of Jaén, Francisco Juan Martínez Rojas, has been designated town crier of the Holy Week in Baeza 2022 from the Arciprestal Association of Brotherhoods of the Heritage City.

Martínez Rojas has been grateful to the Association and to the many expressions of affection and congratulations that he has received in the last hours. He claims to be overwhelmed by the commission of a proclamation in which, in addition to the announcement of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, the pandemic and the experiences that it has implied will be present during this time.

That of Martínez Rojas joins a list of appointments made by the Arciprestal Group for the next brotherhood course, such as that of Manuel Salazar Rodríguez, as presenter of the official Easter poster and Juan Pablo Mola García-Galán, town crier of Glorias next 2022.

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