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In 99% of cases with allergies, vaccination against Covid is recommended

An allergist consulted by G4Media.ro dismantles with scientific arguments the claims of the Archbishop of Tomis, Teodosie, who stated that allergy sufferers risk if they make the vaccine and that “we must be careful” and “in permanent consultation with doctors and specialists.” The allergist, Nadia Onițiu Gherman, primary physician of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, told G4Mediaro that those cases where there is a contraindication to the vaccine are extremely rare. In Cluj, the doctor consulted hundreds of patients with various allergies to whom he recommended to be vaccinated against Covid.

What the Archbishop of Thomis, Theodosius, said:

  • “I listened to skilled doctors. When I hear a doctor speak with great interest, I listen to him so as not to be left without enlightenment from doctors who are specialists and really speak knowingly. But here, I found out a few days ago that if someone is affected by COVID and makes the vaccine during that time, the vaccine is fatal. Therefore, we must be careful. Or some who have certain conditions, such as allergies. Even with the flu, it is not good to take the classic flu medicine if you have an allergy. And here we are not all the same, that’s why we have to be very careful, but to be in permanent consultation with doctors and specialists and to involve more doctors, not politicians or people in the administration in remedying the disease “, said HE Theodosius.

IPS’s statements made on Radio Dobrogea, a post recently amended by the CNA for other anti-vaccine statements made by the hierarch, can be taken by people as a truth.

We are talking to Nadia Onițiu Gherman, primary care physician in Allergology and Clinical Immunology. The doctor works at the Cluj County Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in Romania. He’s a doctor. His Eminence Theodosius is a priest.

  • “At the level of the general population, about 20-25% or even more people are allergic. If you send a negative message about vaccination and it is perceived by 25% of the population you have a big problem with group immunization. You are in big trouble and then the situations related to the vaccine allergy need to be clarified “, says the doctor for g4media.ro.
  • “Basically, the only contraindication is to one of the components of the vaccine and this is very rare. Vaccines, in addition to the element that triggers immunity, have some excipients (substances or mixtures of inactive substances – no). Messenger RNA vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna) have polypropylene glycol nanoparticles in the excipients. Patients who have proven allergies to polyethylene glycol or medicines containing it should be seen by an allergist. But that doesn’t mean the vaccine isn’t made either. Where else is polyethylene glycol found? In Midocalm, for example or in Omeran, usual medicines “, says doctor Nadia Gherman.

Even in these cases, vaccination is not avoided, but another vaccine is analyzed and can be made, such as Johnson or Astra Zeneca.

The doctor says that vaccines that do not have messenger RNA have polysorbed 80 as an excipient, which causes allergies in some people, but very rarely. Polysorbate 80 is also found in many other vaccines, such as the flu vaccine.

But we don’t even have to think about drugs. As an example, polysorbate 80 is found in bakery products, sauces, desserts, confectionery, envelopes, food ice or dietary products for body weight control. Just read the labels.

So, if you are afraid of a vaccine because you are allergic, you may think that one of the substances it contains is in bread or in a sauce or in many other products that you consume every day.

  • “In 99 percent of cases, we refer to people who have various allergies, anti-Covid vaccination is recommended. It is very rare for allergic reactions to the vaccine to occur. What is important to point out is that the patient with a severe history of drug or food allergy who is being vaccinated should stay 30 minutes after the vaccine under surveillance, where it will be observed, or look for an in-hospital vaccination center. However, in any vaccination center there is an intervening team, which has an emergency kit. There were no cases in Cluj. Those with a history of severe allergies are advised to have an allergic consultation for severe drug reactions. Before the vaccine goes to the allergist, he evaluates it. Vaccination is authorized in over 99% of cases. I had a lot of patients and I didn’t have any accidents afterwards, they went well. “

Doctor Nadia Gherman says that if there are people who have had anaphylaxis at the first dose of vaccine, it is mandatory for them to have an allergological control. The doctor will not contraindicate the vaccination, but will indicate another vaccine.

“If you had Pfizer and had a severe reaction, the contraindication to vaccination comes into question, but another vaccine can be given. If you have had a severe reaction to Pfizer, you can do Jhonson, but you must go to an allergist. We have had many patients, because we are a diagnostic center in drug allergy. I did not contraindicate vaccination, and the feedback was good, no one was harmed. The risk-benefit balance in this context of massive exposure and high contagion indicates vaccination. “

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