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in 2030, only electric cars will be on the road

Europe says goodbye to diesel and petrol. Electric is opted for for public and private transport. What could happen.

Benzine (Photo source: Pixabay)

The combustion, the engine that opts for this type of feature is now destined to be placed in the attic. The new trends Europeans go in a completely different direction. The market, as widely verifiable, launches the electric car, launches technology with zero impact on the environment, launches one mode of vision that is light years away from the one that has accompanied us in the last twenty or thirty years. The future of private transport has just begun, and the first ones restrictions also in Italy in the are the most evident effect.

Every big company automotive has launched or will shortly launch products that embrace the concept of electric driving. Strong are the incentives for stimulate the purchase of vehicles that use the particular technology. Incentives that can even reach 20 thousand euros for the purchase of an electric car. The country, the large manufacturing companies and ultimately the citizens are trying to enter a concept driving, completely different way of moving. Milan, for example, will soon say goodbye to certain engines, technically banned from territory citizen.

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Goodbye diesel and petrol: 2030 is the deadline to say goodbye to old engines

What Europe has in mind is a real revolution. A process that gradually leads to the shutdown of the engines a diesel and gasoline by 2030. In Italy, the Milan case is already producing somehow positive effects as regards the environmental impact. In capital Lombard, in fact we will opt exclusively for certain types of engines, so let’s talk about cars of new registration, until next 2029, so as to respect the European projection of moving to a completely different concept of technology for 2030.

The European Commission, according to the latest useful information available, it would have predicted a 60% cut in CO2 emissions for all light cars by the anticipated date, 2030. This is the first step towards a condition of absolute absence of combustion engines. Jaguar, Ford, Volkswagen and many others, are all using the same strategy with announcements that suggest that in the next few years there will be a completely revolutionized structure in production and sales. The electric, will sweep all away.

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Also Renault has clearly announced that the next few years will see a decisive increase in production of cars with electric motor. The primary objective is to reach 2030 with a production share close to at least 60%. In this way, the road to the totality of the production and sales process linked to electric vehicles can be accomplished within a few more years. Milan experiments with its areas the entry of the electric motor into the city 2030 is close, much more than you can imagine. Milan looks to the future and imagines a context far but possible. The city today looks to the environment and to tomorrow with optimism e the trust in its citizens that a big city must show.

Every big country European has established a reference date for stopping the circulation of diesel and petrol engines. The 2025 for Norway, 2030 for Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Holland, Slovenia, Sweden and Great Britain, 2040, for France and Italy. It is hoped that the forecasts can be respected, for the environment and for the effectiveness of a community project ambitious.

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