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In 2022, life will be 25 years longer, Facebook is dying

Emmanuel Macron and Mario Draghi will create an EU Superfund that will finance defense after the United States stops supporting Europe, according to the forecast. PHOTO: Reuters

The Danish Saxo Bank has made forecasts for events that may shock society

The decline of Facebook and Spotify, the crisis in the United States, the revolt of women traders and a radical breakthrough in medicine. This is projected for 2022 by the Danish Saxo Bank, which annually prepares its “shocking forecasts”. At the end of each year, the bank warns of events that it does not say will necessarily happen, but if underestimated, could be devastating and unexpected to society.

1. Postpone fossil fuel abandonment plans

High inflation, driven by rising commodity prices due to unrealistic plans for the transition to green energy, will force countries to abandon their goals to combat climate change. Authorities in various countries will temporarily lift environmental restrictions on new investments in crude oil and natural gas production due to the sharp rise in fuel and food prices, as well as the threat of social unrest.

2. Young people are leaving Facebook

Facebook will evolve from a youth social network to a platform for older baby boomers. Research by Mark Zuckerberg’s own company shows that teenagers spend 2 to 3 times more time ticking than Instagram, for example. Investors will understand that the social network is losing its young audience, and thus its future potential and profitability. The parent company of Facebook – “Meta” will try to acquire snapchat and tick, investing billions in the creation of Metauniverse.

3. Constitutional crisis in the United States

In November 2022, the United States will hold by-elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate. Controversy between Republican and Democratic supporters will escalate so much that it will end in a full-blown constitutional crisis that will erupt in early 2023. In such a situation, US assets will be in an extremely volatile state. US bond yields will rise and the dollar will fall as investors seek to protect themselves from an “existential crisis” in the world’s largest economy.

4. Inflation in the US reaches over 15%

In 2022, the Federal Reserve and its chairman, Jerome Powell, will allow over-stimulation of the labor market, which will lead to a sharp rise in inflation. Powell expects Americans to return to work and fill most of the 10.4 million open positions when COVID-19 disappears. But this will not happen. By the beginning of 2023, inflation in the United States will reach over 15% – for the first time since World War II.

5. Europe creates a “Superfund” financed by pensions

The guarantees that the United States provides to its allies in Europe and Asia in the form of protection from military and other threats will begin to shrink. French President Emmanuel Macron, with the support of Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, will propose the creation of an EU Superfund, which will have 3 priority areas – defense, climate and the related transition to clean energy. It will be financed by deductions from the pensions of working citizens over the age of 40, and not by new taxes.

6. Women’s army of investors

Tired of the lack of change in the pay gap compared to men, female investors will begin to influence the stock market through social media. They will force companies that violate civil rights laws to eliminate dishonest sexist, racist, age-old and abusive practices. Politicians around the world will support this movement, putting even more pressure on companies with outdated patriarchal views.

7. India enters into an alliance with the Arab states

New alliances will be formed around the world that seek to avoid alliances with China or the United States. India will join the Gulf Cooperation Council. This will allow the country to reduce energy insecurity by importing fossil fuels, attracting huge new investments in infrastructure and increasing agricultural productivity. At the same time, the Arab countries will have a reliable export market.

8. Traditional streaming services are declining

Using the NFT platform, artists will distribute music directly to their listeners, bypassing intermediaries such as spotify. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, or cryptocurrency of a document of authenticity that proves the originality and ownership of a work. This allows musicians to track their winnings and receive payments in real time, instead of giving most of the money to streaming services.

9. Hypersonic Arms Race

In 2022, hypersonic and space confrontation will intensify the rivalry between the United States and China. They will be joined by other major players with advanced military technology, including Russia, India, Israel and the EU. “Hypersonic technologies pose a revolutionary threat to the long-standing military strategic status quo, as they bring asymmetric new defense and offensive capabilities,” the forecast said.

10. Medical breakthrough increases life expectancy by 25 years

In 2022 there will be a major breakthrough in medicine. Scientists will create a “cocktail” of drugs that will regulate processes at the cellular level. Thus, a person’s life will be extended by at least 25 years. The new drug will be able to slow down aging as well as rejuvenate old cells. Most diseases will be very rare or even eliminated thanks to DNA editing, when existing cells, including potentially dangerous ones, are actually “rewritten”.

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