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In 2021, more CO2 was emitted worldwide than ever

CO2 emissions have reached a record high in 2021, according to research of the International Energy Agency (IEA). Last year’s increase was even greater than the IEA in spring 2021 predicted.

The outbreak of the corona pandemic led to a part of production in the world coming to a standstill in 2020; As a result, emissions fell sharply, by 5.2 percent. Partly due to the rapid economic recovery and the speed with which the countries were able to reopen, emissions increased by 6 percent last year, the IEA writes. In April, the institute expected an increase of 5 percent.

More coal, more CO2

Due to the increased gas prices and the relatively cold weather, coal use increased last year. Firing it accounted for 40 percent of the increase in emissions. However, more nuclear energy and even a record amount of renewable energy were generated.

The European Union is eager to reduce emissions; CO2 emissions in the EU are still below pre-coronavirus levels. In countries with emerging economies, such as China and India, energy demand shot up sharply. This demand was met with coal-fired power stations, which increased emissions.

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