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Impulso Myperú Program: 105,469 Companies Receive State-Guaranteed Loans – January 5, 2024 Update

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) reported that, as of January 5, 2024, the MYPERÚ Impulso Program registered loan placements for 105,469 companies with a state guarantee nationwide.

It should be remembered that this program seeks to strengthen financing for companies in all economic sectors through National Government Guarantees (GGN), so that companies can access working capital credits, acquisition of fixed assets (machinery, vehicles, infrastructure, etc.) and consolidation of previously acquired debts.

The sector indicated that Impulso MYPERÚ already reports placements for more than S/ 2,379 million and guarantees for the sum of S/ 2,205 million in favor of 105,469 micro, small and medium-sized companies, with an average ticket of S/ 22,561, from all sectors. economic in the 25 regions of the country.

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Most of the placements were directed to small businesses, this is an amount of S/ 1,304 million, while microbusinesses represented S/ 1,065 million of the total.

Likewise, it is important to highlight that more than 68% of the loans granted were intended to finance the productive activity and growth of companies, they were resources destined for the acquisition of fixed assets and for working capital.

For their part, the sectors to which the largest amounts of credit were granted were: commerce (S/ 1,095 million), manufacturing industry (S/ 225 million) and transportation, storage and communications (S/ 221 million), among others.

The largest number of beneficiaries were located in Lima (23,317 beneficiaries), Puno (11,962 beneficiaries) and Piura (11,187 beneficiaries), while by company size the largest number of beneficiaries, 71,285 companies, was concentrated in the micro sector.

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Expansion of the Impulso MYPERÚ program

The Executive has planned to extend state guarantees up to S/ 15,000 million, also considering loans for larger companies as these are an important source of formal jobs and activity throughout their productive chains.

According to MEF estimates, with the expansion of the program it is expected to reach 334,114 companies, which provide employment to around 2.2 million workers in different sectors of the economy throughout the country.

“We are going to continue with the MYPERÚ Impulse Program, so that credit reaches more companies and under better conditions. This with the objective of continuing to provide accessible sources of financing to the productive and commercial apparatus, revitalizing it and supporting its permanent strengthening,” indicated Minister Contreras.

“Impulso MYPERÚ is one of the loans with the lowest interest rates and longest payment terms, but it is also the only loan, apart from the Mivivienda credit, that has the good payer mechanism, special conditions for various sectors such as tourism and fishing, as well as extensive grace periods,” indicated the Minister of Economy, Alex Contreras.

The sector indicates that the term for receiving MYPERÚ Impulse credits was extended until June 30, 2024.

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2024-01-15 16:00:48
#MYPERÚ #Impulse #credits #company #size #type #destination

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