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Improving the Relationship Between Managers and Colleagues in the Hybrid Work Environment

While one in two French people believe that the managerial role is more difficult to exercise today than in the past, how can we improve the relationship between managers and their colleagues, particularly in hybrid mode? Charles de Fréminville, HR director of the Lucca company, sheds his light and shares his advice in the 7th episode of the “Good Job!” podcast.

How to manage singularities while moving the collective forward? Between the quest for autonomy, meaning and recognition, what are the key ingredients for establishing sustainable performance? What framework can the company provide?

Charles de Fréminville, HR director of the Lucca company, also co-founder a few years ago of the start-up Bloom at Work, has a dual enlightening role on this subject: not only has he been a manager himself for several years, but he is also at the forefront to observe the changes underway and share best practices that are now essential.

According to him, “the results matter as much as the way of obtaining them. » And the company culture strongly impacts the relationship between manager and manager. “There are also certain functions where the notion of expertise is strong, it is sometimes essential that the manager is a technical expert to be credible,” he emphasizes. Conversely, for other professions, the manager will rather have the role of conductor to coordinate the team. I really like what Christine Lagarde said when she took office at the IMF in the face of criticism: “You don’t need to know how to play the violin to be a good conductor.” Personally, I am the HR Director of Lucca after a career as an entrepreneur. I was previously in product management. I had never worked in HR. I told my colleagues, I am not a professional expert, but I can help them deploy their own expertise and work better together. »

You will also hear in this episode of the podcast “Good Job!” » an extract from the program “C’est pas Sorcerer” dedicated to conductors, as well as a passage from the book by Grégoire Jeanmonod Artist Lessons (Marabout) on the painter Raphaël.

Charles de Fréminville finally answers the question asked by Amélie Favre-Guittet, guest from the previous episode, on emotions at work…

Find all the episodes of the “Good Job!” podcast. ” here :

2023-09-11 08:19:48
#Charles #Fréminville #good #manager #manages #collective #work #efficient #Courrier #Cadres

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