Shin Hyeon-joo, medical report reporter
I ate a lot, but hardly anything came out. The remaining digested food waste is crying out to get out, but only a signal comes, and when you sit on the toilet, there is no feeling. Even if you go to the hospital and take laxatives to see if there is a problem with your body, the effect is only temporary, and as time passes, it starts to build up again. Just thinking about going to the bathroom makes me sick physically and mentally.
The older you get, the more important it is to stay cool. Senile constipation should not simply focus on excretion. You must improve the environment inside your body where it cannot be released and change it into a constitution that can release it well.
◇ ‘Senior constipation’ affects 1 in 4 elderly people, greatly reducing quality of life
One in four elderly people in Korea suffers from senile constipation. This is because as you age, your intestinal function deteriorates and activity decreases. This is also the reason why water intake has decreased due to poor digestion. Additionally, as problems arise in the body and the number of medications taken increases, secondary constipation may occur. In the quality of life evaluation of the elderly, elderly people with geriatric constipation scored about 8 points lower (out of 100) than those without constipation, which is similar to the level of decline in quality of life felt by patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
Constipation is not just about not being able to urinate for a long time. Even if you defecate every day, if you feel excessive force during defecation, an unpleasant feeling of residual stool, abdominal bloating, or frequent gas emissions, this is also constipation. If stool comes out in small particles like rabbit poop, constipation should be suspected.
◇To solve constipation, you need to improve your body’s bowel system
If constipation is left untreated, it can lead to ileus or intestinal perforation, where stool fills the intestines and creates a hole. Additionally, when feces accumulate in the intestines, toxins are generated, which increases inflammation and lowers immunity, raising the risk of various complications. In the case of chronic constipation, the stool becomes hard and continues to irritate the anus and colon walls, causing various colon and anal diseases.
Severe constipation often does not get better even if you visit a hospital and get prescribed medication. At the hospital, people mistakenly believe that constipation has been resolved because the medicine is effective immediately. Therefore, it is easy to return to previous lifestyle habits and the probability of recurrence increases. However, if you rely too much on drugs, it can make it more difficult for your intestines to function on their own. To solve constipation, you need to correct your lifestyle habits, which are the root cause, and improve your own bowel movement system by strengthening your bowel function. What is helpful in this case is ‘psyllium husk’.
Graphics = Chosun Design Lab Kwon Hye-in
◇Compound dietary fiber ‘psyllium husk’… Refreshes a stuffy stomach
Psyllium husk is the inner husk of plantain seeds and contains more than 80% of dietary fiber. It is also a composite dietary fiber containing both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. When soluble dietary fiber encounters moisture, it dissolves in water and turns into jelly. This helps soften the stool and absorbs cholesterol and waste products from the body that are excreted into bile as the stool passes through the intestines. Insoluble dietary fiber does not dissolve in water, but passes through the stomach and absorbs moisture, expanding up to 40 times. Therefore, the volume of stool increases, stimulating the intestines and promoting intestinal movement. In other words, the two dietary fibers contained in psyllium husk help soften stool, increase its volume, and expel it quickly. In one study, when 170 patients with chronic constipation were given psyllium husk twice a day for two weeks, they found that the water content and weight of stool and the total number of bowel movements significantly increased.
In addition, psyllium husk has various effects. It contains tannin, which breaks down neutral fat and is excellent for removing and decomposing fat in the blood. A large amount of dietary fiber allows unnecessary cholesterol to be excreted without being absorbed, and slows down digestion to prevent sugar levels from suddenly rising.
Graphics = Chosun Design Lab Kwon Hye-in
◇If you want a good change, remember the ‘1:3 rule’
If you want to empty your body, you must remember the 1:3 rule for dietary fiber. The ratio is 1 part soluble dietary fiber to 3 parts insoluble dietary fiber. Psyllium husk is the opposite, as it is composed of 70% soluble dietary fiber and 30% insoluble dietary fiber. You must fill it with insoluble dietary fiber to fully appreciate its true value.
Since psyllium husk contains a lot of soluble dietary fiber, if you fill it with just a little bit of insoluble dietary fiber, the ratio of soluble to insoluble will be adjusted and the amount will increase, so you can experience a definite effect. Brown rice is a representative insoluble dietary fiber, and when consumed with psyllium husk, a 1:3 ratio is achieved.
◇I eat a lot of vegetables, but why am I constipated?
When people get older and feel sick, many people turn to vegetables rather than meat. The problem is that these people also suffer from senile constipation. Why? This is because digestion was not carried out properly. Digestion is the first step of excretion. When the digestive system weakens due to aging, the food consumed is not broken down sufficiently and nutrients are not properly absorbed by the body. If you suffer from constipation even if you eat a lot of vegetables, you should pay attention to improving digestion as well as excretion.
Fermented brown rice is helpful in this case. Fermented brown rice helps digest food and helps the body absorb nutrients so that what we eat can be used beneficially in our body. A large amount of enzymes produced when brown rice is fermented help with digestion. Fermented brown rice breaks down food into a form useful for digestion and absorption of nutrients in the intestines. The nutrients created through this process absorb only the nutrients from the food and send unnecessary waste into the large intestine.
◇ Psyllium husk without side effects, the longer you use it, the better the effect.
The best way to resolve constipation is to have stool come out naturally and cleanly. For this purpose, it is a good idea to consume foods rich in dietary fiber, such as psyllium husk or brown rice. These methods do not solve the problem in a short time. If you force stool out by taking medication or using an enema, you will only excrete it, and if your body does not change, it will accumulate again. Psyllium husk and brown rice are not prescription drugs that give a signal as soon as you eat them. It is important to improve the excretion system by taking it consistently for at least 6 months. If that happens, you can achieve refreshing, pleasant stools that are digested and expelled by your body on its own, rather than expelled by external stimuli.
Psyllium husk has no special side effects when consumed, but it has the property of attracting moisture, so it must be taken with a sufficient amount of water. This is because if you drink less water, your body may absorb water in order to expand.
Graphics = Chosun Design Lab Kwon Hye-in
2023-10-30 18:02:17
#eat #eat #dont #youll #big #trouble