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Improving Dialysis Services and Kidney Transplantation in West Sumatra: 59th National Health Day Activity

Payakumbuh,-Benuanews.com In the context of the 59th National Health Day, dozens of health workers in Payakumbuh City and Limapuluh Kota Regency took part in the Regional Annual Scientific Meeting (PITDA) which was held
Regional Management (PW) of the Indonesian Dialysis Nurses Association (IPDI) West Sumatra, Sunday morning 12 November 2023 at the Payakumbuh City SKB Hall in Bodi Padang Alai Village, East Payakumbuh District.

This activity was also attended by Hemodialysis patients at RSUD dr. Adnaan WD Payakumbuh, the activity with the theme Improving Dialysis Services Towards a Better Quality of Life for Patients was also attended by the heads of Community Health Centers throughout the City of Payakumbuh, heads of Community Health Centers throughout the Fifty Cities, doctors in charge and doctors in hemodialysis units in all hospitals that have hemodialysis units in West Sumatra.

Gemmelia, Chief Executive of Activities, said that the Regional Annual Scientific Meeting (PITDA) is IPDI’s annual agenda which is held once a year, with the aim of adding and updating the latest knowledge, especially in the field of dialysis, for IPDI members and the community.

The activity currently being held in Payakumbuh City is a little special, because it coincides with the 59th National Health Day. The theme of the 2023 PITDA is Improving Dialysis Services Towards a Better Quality of Life for Patients and the topic/theme of the current seminar is about Kidney Transplantation and CAPD in Chronic Kidney Disease.

“Yes, at the Regional Annual Scientific Meeting that we held today we raised the theme of Kidney Transplantation and CAPD in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). “We raised this theme because there are still many people, as well as health workers (NAKES) and patients who have not been clearly exposed to what and what the advantages and disadvantages of each CKD therapy modality are,” said Gemmelia when opening the activity.

Head of Room (KARU) Hemodialysis unit, RSUD dr. Adnaan WD Payakumbuh also added that in the activities being held information will also be obtained regarding the steps that will be taken to undergo this therapy and how it will be funded.

“We hope that after attending this seminar and testimonials, our insight into various therapy options for CKD patients will increase so that patients will not hesitate to try other therapy modalities besides Hemodialysis, namely Kidney Transplantation and CAPD.” Obviously.

He also expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the support from Pernèfri West Sumatra Riau Kepri and IPDI PW West Sumatra, the Health Service and PPNI Payakumbuh City who provided support until the activity took place.

“Thank you to all parties and friends of the organizing committee who have worked hard so that our event can be held.” Said the beloved wife of the Luhak Police Chief, AKP. Rika Susanto.

From the annual report data from the Hemodialysis Unit at RSUD dr. Adnaan WD Payakumbuh March 2023, the number of patients routinely undergoing hemodialysis (dialysis) is 65 people. Of all the patients undergoing dialysis at Dr Adnaan WD Hospital, none have undergone a kidney transplant. And the kidney transplant procedure in question cannot yet be carried out in Payakumbuh City. However, at Dr M Djamil Padang General Hospital, until 2023, dozens of patients have had successful kidney transplant operations, the costs of which are fully covered by BPJS Health.

“For the number of patients undergoing dialysis at RSUD dr. Adnaan WD Payakumbuh reached dozens of people. However, no one has undergone a kidney transplant. Kidney transplant surgery can be done at Dr. RSUP. M. Djamil Padang with costs borne by BPJS Health.” Close Gem.

The seminar, which was held on the occasion of National Health Day (HKN) 2023, involved the doctor in charge and the hemodialysis unit doctor, as well as inviting specialist internal medicine doctors who were very knowledgeable about kidney failure. The resource person is also a survivor, having experienced kidney failure and had a kidney transplant. Apart from discussing the science, the speakers will also provide testimonials.

Among the speakers who attended the activity, Dr. Drajat Priyono, Sp.PD – KGH (Specialist in kidney and hypertension consultant), dr. Yanuar Hamid, Sp.PD, MARS, (specialist in internal medicine and survivor, and has had a kidney transplant), dr. Rahmi Rafdinal (a kidney disease fighter who understands continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) and Ns. Hilma, S. Kep.


Meanwhile Dr. Drajat Priyono, Sp.PD – KGH (a specialist in internal medicine, kidney and hypertension consultant, said that kidney transplantation is safe, so people don’t need to be afraid, because many have already undergone it.

There are three types of kidney replacement therapy, but the best is kidney transplantation. The obstacle that exists to date is donors. Donor problems often result in the transplantation process being hampered. So far, family donors have been quite good, there have been no problems.

The question is whether the donor, whether family or other people who are donors, are safe, this is often a question. So far, people who donate a kidney can still live normally like normal people.

“Yes, we know that there are three types of kidney replacement therapy, namely hemodialysis, CAPD (Continuous Ambolatory Peritoneal Disease) and kidney transplantation. Indeed, to date the best thing is of course kidney transplantation. The question is whether the donor, whether family or other people who are donors, are safe, this is often a question. “So far, people who donate a kidney can still live normally like normal people,” stressed Drajat.

He also added, even with one kidney a person (donor) will still live a normal life. As an example, he mentioned a young donor in Jakarta, 20 years old, who gave a kidney to his uncle.

“In Jakarta there was a young donor aged 20, he gave a kidney to his uncle who was 52 years old. What does this mean, we don’t need to worry about donating a kidney and can live a healthy life as long as we maintain our health, have regular control so we can avoid various diseases. he said.

Because it’s useless if you have two kidneys but have an unhealthy/haphazard lifestyle, always eating fast food that contains too many carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which makes the kidneys work harder, resulting in a short kidney lifespan.

Meanwhile, Dr. Yanuar Hamid, who underwent a kidney transplant, when giving testimony, stated that one of the causes of kidney failure is hypertension, which can be caused by hereditary factors. Meanwhile, the best potential donor for kidney transplantation is family.

“One of the causes of kidney failure is hypertension which can be caused by hereditary factors. “Meanwhile, the best potential donor for kidney transplantation is family,” he said.

He further said that in order to avoid rejection of the kidney received by the recipient’s body, the best donor is from a family with one mother and father.

“To avoid rejection in the body which could result in the kidney being received being damaged, the best donor is from a family with one mother and father.” Close the man who got the donor from his younger sister.

Transplantation is a series of medical procedures for the transfer of organs and/or organ tissue from the human body originating from one’s own body or another person’s body in the context of treatment to replace organs or organ tissue that are not functioning properly.

Quoted from the website p2ptm.kemkes.go.id, among the functions of the kidneys are removing waste products from the body, balancing body fluids, producing red blood cells, regulating blood pressure, filtering 120-150 liters of blood per day and activating Vitamin D for health. bones and teeth. (Julian)

2023-11-12 15:48:37
#Dozens #Indonesian #Dialysis #Nurses #West #Sumatra #Hold #PITDA #Discuss #Kidney #Transplantation #Benuanews.com

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