It’s been simmering in my head for some time… Michel Barré was obviously tired of brooding in his corner. This project, which we have been hearing about for a long time, is interesting, but it does not provide any solution to the problem of accessibility , he insists this Friday, August 25, 2023, in the premises of the editorial staff of Courrier de l’Ouest in Niort, in response to the article “Objective 2025 for the station hub”, published two days earlier.
The functional aspect of the station is set aside. We are in the same situation as 50 years ago. It scandalizes me, plague the octogenarian from Niort, who says he is aware of the problems of disability. Before explaining: It’s very easy to take the train from platform A. But for platform B, you have to take the underground and climb 15 to 20 steps before boarding the train. I am a person with reduced mobility, due to my age. Imagine me with two more suitcases in my hands….
The example of La Rochelle
It should be remembered that the project for the Niort Atlantique station hub, whose vast construction site started in autumn 2022 should be completed in spring 2025, concerns the surroundings of the station. The file piloted by the Agglo du Niortais and the City of Niort aimed at modernizing, reorganizing and facilitating access to the district.
We are developing around the station, but we are not doing anything inside for the users. I know that it is the responsibility of the SNCF, and therefore of the State, annoys Michel Barré. Knowing that the State finances part of the station pole project, why does the SNCF not take advantage of this work to improve accessibility? , asks the citizen and user, who cites the example of La Rochelle station where the exteriors but also the interior have been improved .
The octogenarian specifies that he seized the Association of the paralyzed of France about this file.
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