The decline has been going on for three days, according to statistics from the Ministry of Health. Back on Wednesday, November 4, the share of positive tests was 34.59 percent. Since that date, the percentage has dropped, with one exception, since November 6, it has been below 30 percent.
There were also declines in the share of positive tests on 12 and 19 October, always on Mondays, but the decline is also evident in the longer term. While on October 26, the moving average of the seven-day positive test rate was 32.05 percent, on Friday, November 6, it was already 28.23 percent.
Five percent of all positive tests performed are considered safe. If the proportion is higher, it means that the infection is more widespread in the population.
Last week, the Ministry of Health presented a shot of a table according to which the tightening and loosening of measures should be governed in the future. Among the main criteria according to which measures should be decided is the percentage of positive tests.
The others are the number of infected per 100 thousand inhabitants in 14 days, the value of the reproductive number R, which reflects how many people on average infect one infected, or the proportion of infected seniors.
More than 2.5 million tests have already been performed in the Czech Republic, but in recent days their number has rather decreased from more than 45,000 on Wednesday, November 4, to almost 14,000 on Sundays. Although less is usually tested on Sundays, this time the number tested was the smallest since 11 October.
This could also indicate that the peak of the autumn wave has already been overcome – fewer people in the tests may be related to the fact that fewer people have come into contact with the infected and fewer have symptoms of covid-19.
In Prague, according to Monday’s announcement by Czech Radio, no queues are being formed at consumption stations. However, this may be related to the fact that the capital city in the Czech Republic is one of the regions with the best weekly development per 100 thousand inhabitants.