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Improved Monitoring and Conservation of Vaccine Temperature: Training for Plant Personnel and PAI Heads

Plant personnel and PAI heads from the health regions of the country were the ones approached in the activity, with the objective of improving the monitoring of the measurement instruments and conservation of the temperature of the vaccines.

The Expanded Immunization Program (PAI), with the accompaniment of Dr. Héctor Castro, director, in technical coordination with the National Vaccine Center, and the Supervision and Monitoring departments, conducted training to improve the monitoring of the instruments measurement and conservation of the temperature of vaccines.

The activity was aimed at plant personnel and PAI heads from the health regions of the country. On the occasion, the participants received information on the use of the Fridge-tag ®2E continuous monitoring devices, which record the temperature 24 hours a day for 30 days. The instruments were also delivered to the PAI heads of some health regions.

The tool presented seeks to incorporate it progressively, until it is guaranteed that all vaccine storage teams have the Fridge-tag ®2E device.

In our country, immunization programs are developed in the field of primary health care and different levels of public and private health services, since it is the initial point of contact between the citizen and the health system. This brings significant benefits both in terms of accessibility and coverage, making vaccination an essential activity of primary care teams.

Currently, there is a large number of vaccines that are safe and effective, it is essential that these vaccines are accessible to the population and that, in addition, they arrive in a perfect state of conservation, in order to guarantee, with the aforementioned instrument, both their immunogenicity, such as its protective efficacy.

The only method that currently allows us to guarantee the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a vaccine from its preparation to its administration, is the maintenance of the cold chain. For this to be operational, it is necessary that the professionals involved in its different phases, storage, transport and administration, have adequate training on the thermolability of the products they handle.

Training for the correct use of the Fridge-tag 2E Remote Temperature Sensor (Electronic temperature monitor with USB Storage ambient conditions Storage cooling conditions) has been carried out since 2021. There is a circular that establishes the use of continuous temperature monitoring devices Fridge-tag 2E for vaccine storage chambers and refrigerators, and establishes the use and implementation with the guidelines for its use at all levels of health.

On the occasion, Dr. Héctor Castro highlighted the work they carry out throughout the country, in relation to the campaigns that work for the immunization of the entire population during the year, and encouraged them to continue with the effort that characterizes them in the day by day, and continue to improve the vaccination figures worked within the regular EPI scheme.

2023-07-29 22:35:34
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