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Improve your financial situation by rescheduling expensive loans

Occasionally, once borrowed, it turns out to be too expensive. This is the case, for example, if they had to be accepted in a financial emergency and thus brought poor conditions with them. But changes in the market also mean that a previously cheap loan becomes expensive. By rescheduling it is possible to counteract this problem. Expensive loans such as an overdraft facility or a building loan can be redeemed in this way. When rescheduling, the fixed interest rate and the monthly rate must be taken into account. It is advisable to calculate projects well in order not to have to pay too much for a loan. This article explains what to look for when rescheduling expensive loans.

Use favorable interest rates for a debt rescheduling

Lending rates are currently at an all-time low. This is mainly due to the ECB’s low interest rate policy. This has the Key rate cut sharplyso that money can be had cheaply on the market. This should enable ailing countries within the EU to get new money and refinance. National bankruptcies and a breakup of the EU economic zone are to be prevented.

For borrowers, the low interest rates in the market are a great advantage. It is possible for them to get money on good terms and to have to spend little on projects or purchases. It is also possible to use the favorable credit situation, to replace expensive loans and by one clever rescheduling loans to be paid off promptly.

Replace expensive loans such as an overdraft facility

A considerable number of people use the opportunity to use an overdraft facility. This means that the banks give their customers a certain amount of financial leeway. these can overdraw their account to a certain extent and thus secure money for various purchases and projects. How high the credit limit is depends on the Creditworthiness of customers from. You enjoy the greatest possible flexibility, as you always have the money available and can use it without restrictions. However, this flexibility comes at a price. The interest rates for an overdraft facility are extremely high. If you are not careful, you will quickly find yourself in a spiral of debt in which the income is only sufficient to pay the existing loan interest.

So that it doesn’t even get that far, it has proven to be useful to replace an expensive overdraft facility with a cheap consumer loan. For this purpose, those affected take out a cheap loan and use it to pay off the overdraft facility. You will have to pay significantly lower interest rates for the new loan and you will gain new financial independence.

Take into account the fixed interest rate

pixabay.de © Sergey Remizov CCO Public Domain A long fixed interest rate has both a bright and a dark side.

Fixed interest rates play an important role when rescheduling expensive loans. When concluding the contract, the lender and the borrower agree on a certain time in which maintain the interest rates customary in the market when the contract was concluded become. Both sides thus gain planning security. Banks can estimate how much they will earn from a loan and customers know what costs they can expect in the years to come.

If the loan interest rates are low, it is worthwhile to arrange a fixed interest rate as long as possible. Even if interest rates go up the agreed credit terms remain in place. However, when lending rates drop, a previously cheap loan can suddenly be expensive. In such a case, it is useful if the fixed interest rate ends soon. Borrowers can use follow-up financing or reschedule without having to pay compensation to the bank.

Replace expensive building loans

A rescheduling of expensive loans is often used for construction loans. These have a long term, which is why the interest rates on the market usually change several times in the course of the repayment. Should a construction loan suddenly become disproportionately expensive as a result of such a development, remedial action can be taken through debt rescheduling.

It should be noted here that rescheduling building loans is not as easy as with consumer loans or balancing the overdraft facility. That is why such a step is only worthwhile for borrowers if when market rates have fallen significantly. In such a case, a comprehensive comparison of providers is necessary in order to find a credit institute that places great emphasis on customer protection and offers favorable conditions.

Financial flexibility or debt free faster?

When rescheduling, borrowers can choose whether to give them financial flexibility or quick loan repayment is more important. The new loan conditions make it possible to lower the monthly rate. This means that borrowers have more money in their pockets that they can use for different tasks or the fulfillment of individual dreams. It is also possible to keep the monthly installment that was already paid before the rescheduling. The borrowers thus have the opportunity to repay the loan faster and become debt free. This is helpful when you are planning new projects for which you in turn need money.

Calculate projects well in advance

Debt rescheduling is particularly useful after the fixed interest rate has expired. In some cases, however, the new loan terms are so favorable that the borrowers still make a profit even with a compensation payment to the bank. However, since this is not always the case, loan projects should always be well calculated before a certain offer is taken up.

Especially when making purchases, not only should the purchase price be taken as a loan, but a financial buffer should also be planned. This increases the required loan amount, but there are no financial bottlenecks. For example, if you want to buy an apartment, you should not only consider the purchase price but also the brokerage costs, fees and taxes. This prevents debt rescheduling shortly after signing the contract.


With a debt rescheduling, borrowers have the chance to save a lot of money and secure financial freedom. This is particularly worthwhile when replacing an expensive overdraft facility, but can also be an advantage for building loans. It is important to keep an eye on the fixed interest rate and to carefully consider whether you want greater financial flexibility or faster debt freedom. Last but not least, a comprehensive comparison of providers should be carried out in order to find the cheapest possible loan offer for debt rescheduling.

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