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Improve the Immunity of the Elderly before Vaccine

JAKARTA – Immunity is very important. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, to the elderly. Immunity should be enhanced by appropriate dietary nutrition. This is important to do, before being given the vaccine.

A number of factors of malnutrition in the elderly, among others, occur due to reduced food intake. For example, lack of appetite, chewing problems, poor mental status, social isolation, decreased taste and smell. Likewise with disease factors. Such as indigestion and diarrhea.

“If the elderly are given the COVID-19 vaccine, but malnutrition, the antibody formation process will be reduced. So it is better for the elderly to improve their nutrition before being vaccinated. The goal is for optimal antibody formation, ”said a nutrition expert who is a member of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) doctor Johanes Casay Chandrawinata in a virtual discussion, in Jakarta, Friday (5/3).

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He explained, in several studies, the addition of monosodium glutamate (MSG) can help increase food intake in the elderly. Namely, it can improve the taste of food and also stimulate gastric function.

MSG is also useful for reducing arthrophic gastritis which often occurs in the elderly. So that it interferes with the absorption of nutrients and reduces appetite.

“By adding MSG, for example salt in the elderly’s menu, it will have a number of benefits. Such as improving mouth function. Where MSG makes the elderly produce more saliva which is important for the chewing and swallowing process. Besides that, it increases the body’s resistance, ”he explained.

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According to him, the elderly also often experience gastric emptying disorders that cause prolonged bloating. Thus reducing hunger. It can even reflux when there is increased abdominal pressure.

“Adding 2-3 grams of MSG per day for one month to the diet increases basal acid in the stomach and improves appetite. The addition of 0.5 percent MSG to a high protein liquid diet increases the speed of gastric emptying, “he explained.

MSG, monosodium glutamate consists of 12 percent free L-Glutamate sodium 78 percent and 10 percent water. In addition, MSG produces the natural umami taste present in every living thing.

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“The human body does not distinguish natural glutamates in food from those from cooking spices.” So from an evolutionary and nutritional standpoint, high-quality MSG doesn’t have any strange effects on the human diet, ”said Johanes.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of PB IDI, doctor Daeng M Faqih, reminded that food additives consumed should meet a number of important requirements.

“These foods, including food additives. So it must be guaranteed safety. There must be a distribution permit. There are a lot of rules. If we don’t get in, we can’t recommend it to patients, ”explained Daeng. (rh / fin)

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