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Imprisonment and a fine of 10,000 penalties for medical fraud in the mental and mental health reports

Article (45) of the Psychiatric Patient Care Law states that he shall be punished with imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years and a fine of not less than five thousand pounds and not exceeding ten thousand pounds, or one of these two penalties :

1 – Every doctor has deliberately proven in his report what contradicts reality regarding the psychological or mental state of a person with the intention of entering or leaving the facility .

2 – Whoever detains or deliberately causes the detention of a person in his capacity as suffering from a mental or psychological disease in places or conditions other than those stipulated in this law.

It is worth noting that the Psychiatric Patient Law stipulates that it is not permissible to keep a mental patient compulsorily in a mental health facility for more than a week except after conducting two psychological evaluations of the patient by psychiatrists registered with the competent regional council of mental health according to the circumstances, one of them from outside the facility and the other from its employees, provided that One of them is a government employee, and in all cases the evaluation may not be performed by specialists working in one agency and send the two evaluations to the Regional Council for Mental Health within seven days of mandatory retention of the patient, and attach the form used for that .

In the event that these procedures are not met within the specified dates, the state of compulsory admission of the patient ends, and the facility shall bear the effects that may result from that. .

In all cases, the state of compulsory admission of the patient ends if the Regional Council for Mental Health is not satisfied with the results of the psychological evaluation submitted to him, after examining him by the National Council for Mental Health or the Regional Council for Mental Health.

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