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Imprisoned Former Chancellor Candidate of “Die Basis” Denies Allegations of Embezzlement

Lady Justice can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court. Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa/Symbolic image

Göttingen (dpa) –

The imprisoned former candidate for chancellor of the party “Die Basis” does not assume that there will be a trial against him. “We will refute the allegations,” his lawyer Dagmar Schön told the German Press Agency on Tuesday. 65-year-old Reiner Fuellmich was taken into custody last week on suspicion of embezzling 700,000 euros.

The lawyer is said to have been the managing director of the Corona Committee Foundation, which was founded in mid-2020, as the Göttingen public prosecutor announced on Monday. According to information, this foundation collected a significant amount of donations from private individuals. He is said to have spent 700,000 euros of this together with his wife. After a long stay in Mexico, the 65-year-old was recently deported there and arrested at Frankfurt Airport on Friday. In addition to the main suspect Fuellmich, the investigation is directed against other suspects, as the public prosecutor announced. A complaint put investigators on the trail of the suspects.

“It’s all a lie,” said his lawyer, “and we will prove it.” She has known Fuellmich for a long time. Your client doesn’t care much about money.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:231017-99-599978/2

2023-10-17 16:58:05
#ExDie #Basis #candidate #chancellor #expect #trial #SAT.1 #REGIONAL

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