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impressive fire at Sikkens paint store

Many Bethuneans wonder, worried, this Sunday morning what is due to this big plume of smoke that can be seen for miles around. The Sikkens solutions store on rue de la Faïencerie was the victim of a fire. This store sells and stores paint.

Around 10:30 am, the firefighters were alerted. They manage to contain the fire at Sikkens. The Devianne clothing store, next door, is not affected.

Early indications are that the smoke is not toxic. Pierre-Emmanuel Gibson, the first assistant, invites the people of Bethune to stay at home to allow the firefighters to work in good conditions.

Rue de la Faïencerie is cut off from traffic at Burger King and up to Decoceram. The service station is still accessible.

The store being closed on Sunday morning, there would be no one inside.

EDF services are on site as well as SMUR. The store being closed on Sunday morning, there was no one inside.

Burger King will therefore not be able to open this afternoon. It could be the same for the Del’Arte pizzeria.

More information to come.

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