If you feel dizzy, have an asthma attack, have a severe flu cough, fever, or other symptoms, the vaccine should be postponed until the condition stabilizes again.
Make sure you have:
1. Mask
2. Required files
3. Wear loose -fitting shirts or short sleeves
4. Hand sanitizer
Regular light exercise can help improve blood circulation, thereby reducing the side effects of the vaccine. One example is regular walking.
In previous studies, it was stated that taking multivitamins could improve the immune response after being vaccinated against the flu.
When the body is adequately nourished, blood sugar intake is well controlled, and not dehydrated, it can reduce the risk of fainting.
Avoid staying up late, getting enough sleep about 7-8 hours every night can help optimize immunity.
A study published in the journal Sleep states that people who are sleep deprived are less likely to get immunity from vaccines when compared to people who sleep well.
Before the vaccine, make sure you are in good health or the symptoms of the disease do not recur frequently for those who have chronic diseases. Prepare the necessary equipment and files.
Regular light exercise, take multivitamins if necessary (not mandatory), drink lots of water, eat nutritious food, and get enough sleep.***
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